Kultūrinio turizmo plėtros perspektyvos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kultūrinio turizmo plėtros perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Perspectives of cultural tourism development
In the Journal:
Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai [Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development]. 2008, Nr. 4 (15), p. 29-40
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjami įvairūs kultūrinio turizmo plėtros aspektai. Atskleidžiami pagrindiniai faktoriai, lemiantys regionų konkurencinius pranašumus vystant kultūrinį turizmą, nagrinėjama kultūrinių šaltinių bei vadybos svarba turizmo plėtrai. Pateikiama analizė teigiamų ir neigiamų kultūrinio turizmo veiksnių įtakos įvairiems ūkinės veiklos sektoriams bei tolesnei subalansuotai atskirų regionų plėtrai ir Lietuvos ekonominiai bei socialinei pažangai, o taip pat konkretūs pasiūlymai kultūrinio turizmo vystymui Lietuvoje. [Iš leidinio]

ENPopularity of tourism industry in all over the World pressure compete different regions with each other in order to attract more tourists. Concerning this every region must choose tourism forms which can secure competitive advantages against other regions. In Lithuanian and different its regions crucial role plays its authentic nature and cultural heritage. This was stimulated by Lithuanian integration into Europe Union. Tourism composes possibilities to foreign community to know more about Lithuania, its separate regions and get from this the biggest social, economical and political benefit. This motivates to analyze one of all tourism forms in Lithuania - cultural tourism in Lithuania and mostly in low developed rural regions. The object of the research - the development of Cultural tourism in Lithuania. The aim of the research - to identify the perspective of cultural tourism development in Lithuania. The goals of the research: 1. Explore the essence of cultural tourism, its forces of development, and importance in region level. 2. Analyze the resource of cultural tourism and its management situation in Lithuania. 3. Mark essential components for the cultural tourism development perspectives. The methods of the research: analysis of science literature and World practice in cultural tourism development; synthesis of the suggestions for the further cultural tourism development. The results of the research. The performed research enabled to disclose the essential elements in cultural tourism development and showed the vital role of the cultural resources and its management, also to propose the main directions for the further cultural tourism development in Lithuania. [From the publication]

1822-6760; 2345-0355
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