LTRusijos valdžios pozicija katalikų dvasininkijos, taip pat juos rengusių institucijų - seminarijų - atžvilgiu buvo valdžios politikos vadinamajame Šiaurės Vakarų krašte sudėtinė dalis. Po 1863 m. sukilimo varžant lenkiškąją politinę ir kultūrinę tradiciją buvo siekiama liaudies - lietuvių ir baltarusių - kultūrinės asimiliacijos. Minėtoji lenkiškoji politinė ir kultūrinė tradicija buvo siejama su tradiciniu socialiniu bei politiniu krašto elitu - bajorija. Katalikų dvasininkija - socialinė grupė kultūrine ir politine orientacija, valdžios nuomone, buvo artima minėto socialinio elito politiniams idealams, todėl valdžios priemonės lietė ir šią socialinę grupę. Po 1863 m. sukilimo valdžios retorikoje sutinkamas siekimas atskirti politinį klausimą nuo religinio arba lenkiškumą nuo katalikybės. Straipsnyje analizuojama kaip kito šio valdžios siekio turinys. Ar jis suponavo "ne lenkiškos" dvasininkijos kilusios iš valstiečių protegavimą, ar tai leidžia kalbėti apie valdžios siekį įtakoti seminarijų socialinę struktūrą, ją keisti valstiečių luomo naudai, tuo būdu keičiant situaciją vyskupijose, šalinant priešiškumą valdžios asimiliaciniams planams vadinamame Šiaurės Vakarų krašte? Atsakymų į keltus klausimus ieškoma centro valdžios ir vietos valdininkų nuostatose, jų inicijuotuose dvasininkų rengimo reformų projektuose bei kituose valdžios atstovų sumanymuose keisti katalikų dvasininkijos laikyseną. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Luomas; Etniškumas; Katalikų dvasininkai; Demokratėjimas; Rusijos imperijos tautinė politika; Estate; Ethnicity; Catholic clergy; Democratization; National policy of Russian empire.
ENThis article analyzes the factors which had an influence on the process of democratization of the clergy. [...] With the help of archival data, one wishes to verify the statements, often occurring in historiography, about more peasants becoming priests in Lithuania from the second half of the XIX century. In this context the views of the Russian authorities to the training of clergy are analyzed as one of the aspects of the national policy of the Russian authorities in the last decades of the XIX century. There is a discussion about how the intentions of the authorities "to separate religious and political issues or Polish influence from the Catholic faith" in the North-West Region after the uprising of 1863 were concretely expressed. [...] The answers to the questions were sought in the regulations of the central authorities and local officials concerning the Catholic Church in the North- West Region as well as in the projects for training the clergy which they suggested and in other plans of the authorities to change the attitude of the Catholic clergy. It is stated that the measures taken by the authorities to decrease the influence of the traditional elite - the nobility - in society influenced the democratization of the seminary students in the last decades of the XIX century. However, the authorities did not take other measures, which would have helped to increase the number of clergy from the peasant class. The authorities were not inclined to change radically the social structure or disrupt the classes. They only sought to change the political attitude of society, to gain its loyalty.The separation of the religious issue from the political one was an aim of the authorities, for which no clear tactics had been developed. This is shown by the fate of the initiatives by local officials. The central authorities were not inclined to recognize or promote the ethnicity of the populace, the Lithuanian, Samogitian, and Byelorussian peasants. Thus, the policy of the authorities toward the nobility in the North-West Region as a social class did not always coincide with the policy of the authorities toward the nobility as the advocates of the ethnopolitical orientation of Poland. Declaring that it was fighting against the latter tendency, the authorities in fact remained faithful to the high class. A significant factor, which influenced the increase in the number of clergy from the lower classes, was the place of religion and the priest in the value system of the peasant society. Meanwhile, the process of laicization had the greatest affect on the upper classes and influenced their negative decision in choosing a priest's career. This was also influenced by the restraints on the economic and social power and activities of the Catholic Church as well as the measures taken by the authorities after 1863. [From the publication]