Muzikiniai žaidimai hiperaktyvių vaikų pozityviam elgesio modeliavimui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Muzikiniai žaidimai hiperaktyvių vaikų pozityviam elgesio modeliavimui
Alternative Title:
Positive modeling of hyperactive children's behavior through musical games
In the Journal:
Socialinis ugdymas [Social Education]. 2007, Nr. 4 (15), p. 107-119
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama kaip sušvelninti negatyvų hiperaktyvių vaikų elgesį klasėje. Keliama hipotezė, kad hiperaktyvumo sutrikimą turinčių jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo programą praturtinus muzikiniais žaidimais, galima pozityviai modeliuoti jų elgesį, nes žaidimas vaikui yra natūrali, maloni veikla ir elgesio mokymosi arena, o muzika padeda struktūruoti veiksmus, sukuria kryptingą, prasmingą ir emociškai išraiškingą formą žaidimui - elgesiui. Pristatomas atliktas kokybinis tyrimas vykdant autorių sudarytą "Pozityvaus elgesio modeliavimo programą" ir vertinant vaikų elgesio tendencijas pagal kriterijus: nedėmesingumas, impulsyvumas, padidintas judrumas bei savikontrolės stoka. Pateikiami atlikto kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados, patvirtinančios hipotezę. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Hiperaktyvus vaikas; Muzikinis žaidimas; Elgesio modeliavimas.

ENLately, in the discussions of the problems of children's behaviour at school, a question is often raised how to positively determine the process of socialization and education of hyperactive children. A game is used by educational specialists as a method which "amortizes" a negative expression of hyperactivity. Music may strengthen the corrective effect of a game to a hyperactive child; this music has an internal order of itself - a structure, thus may help to structure activities of a game and create a meaningful and emotionally expressive environment for actions - behaviour. What are the possibilities of the effect of musical games for a positive modelling of the behaviour of the junior school age children? The criteria used in the research have been distinguished according to the main symptoms of hyperactivity disorder: inattentiveness, impulsivity, increased agility and lack of self-control; a methodology for observing the tendencies of the behaviour of a hyperactive child has been formed, i.e. a positive evaluation scale. After having purposefully classified the chosen musical games, "A Modelling Program of Positive Behaviour" was drawn up for primary school age children. The method of the research was a qualitative analysis of an event; the subjects of the research were three pupils of the second form with a hyperactivity disorder (in a class of 22 children) whose age was 8-9 years during the course of the research.The duration of the research was 13 months: the first stage included cooperation with a psychologist, where an analysis was carried out in accordance with the SDQ methodology ; the second stage proceeded during various lessons reacting into negative behaviour of hyperactive children, where musical games were applied spontaneously; "A Modelling Program of Positive Behaviour" has been drawn up; the third stage included "A Modelling Program of Positive Behaviour" which was applied methodologically, where 24 sessions were carried out and observation notes were made; at the end of the third research stage the subjects were repeatedly analyzed by SDQ methodology. After having analyzed the data of the research, it was determined that musical games purposefully integrated in the lessons of a class with hyperactive children had the biggest positive influence on the estimates of impulsivity, increased agility and self-control. The positive tendencies of average estimates of attention retention of all three subjects were insignificant; this may have been influenced by the biological causes of the hyperactivity disorder. The results of the research confirm that it is possible to positively model the behaviour of junior school age children with a hyperactivity disorder by integrating musical games into their educational program. [From the publication]

1392-9569; 2351-6011
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