Būsimųjų mokytojų tiriamosios veiklos ir vadovavimo tiriamajai veiklai kompetencija: palyginamasis aspektas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimųjų mokytojų tiriamosios veiklos ir vadovavimo tiriamajai veiklai kompetencija: palyginamasis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Pre-service teachers' competence in research and conducting research activity: the comparative aspect
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2008, 91, p. 35-41
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto praktiką atlikusių studentų požiūris į tiriamąją veiklą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. tiriamosios veiklos turinys suprantamas kaip veikla, betarpiškai susijusi su moksliniais tyrimais, ir veikla, susijusi su edukacinės praktikos refleksija, siekiant ją tobulinti implikuojant naujoves. Straipsnyje studentų tiriamoji veikla nagrinėjama dviem požiūriais – pačių studentų atliekami tyrimai, vadovavimas mokinių tiriamojo pobūdžio projektams. Palyginus būsimųjų mokytojų nuostatas apie tiriamosios veiklos ir vadovavimo tiriamajai veiklai kompetenciją, nustatyta, kad studentai palankiau įsivertina tiriamosios veiklos kompetenciją nei vadovavimo mokinių tiriamajai veiklai kompetenciją. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tiriamosios veiklos kompetencija; Vadovavimo tiriamajai veiklai kompetencija; Competence in research; Conducting research activity.

ENThe article examines Vilnius Pedagogic University students’ attitude to research activity within teaching practice in comprehensive school. Two directions in research activity in comprehensive school can be distinguished: activity directly related to scientific research and activity related to the reflexion of educational practice. The teachers are provided the possibility of conducting scientific research while participating in investigations and supporting the inquiry- based projects at national level as well as taking part in continuous professional studies in order to get a scientific degree. Moreover, teacher’s research activity is disclosed in educational practice reflecting educational experience and trying to broaden it with the implication of innovative educational technologies. The researched data shows that pre-service teachers’ research activity frequently carries out a reflexive character. However, within teaching practice, pre-service teachers are involved in different scientific research activity and supervise research projects carried out by the comprehensive school students. Approximately four fifths of the respondents participated in educational research. Good students’ competence in research disclosed their ability to plan and conduct research and to prepare a research report. Nevertheless, more than one third of the respondents pointed out they had never disseminated the results of the carried out research. A comparison of the respondents’ attitudes towards competence in research and conducting research activity reveals that in all cases a statistically significant deviation was established. The deviation was determined by the fact that in all cases of comparison the students more positively evaluated abilities to research rather than to conduct learners’ research activity. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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