Profesinis rengimas ir darbo rinka I : nacionalinis viešosios politikos lygmuo

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinis rengimas ir darbo rinka I: nacionalinis viešosios politikos lygmuo
Alternative Title:
Vocational training and labor market I: the level of national public policy
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2004, t. 12, p. 28-38
Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje analizuojami nacionaliniu lygmeniu profesinio mokymo programų asortimentui ir turiniui galintys turėti įtakos veiksniai. Tai - nacionaliniai strateginiai dokumentai, visos šalies padėtį apibūdinančios informacinės sistemos ir viešosios politikos sričiai priklausantį sprendimų priėmimą reglamentuojantys teisiniai dokumentai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Profesinis rengimas; Darbo rinka; Nacionalinis viešosios politikos lygmuo; Vocational training; Labor market; Level of national public policy.

ENThe aim of the first of two articles "Vocational Training and Labor Market" is to analyze factors that influence the decision making processes in the field of vocational training on the national level. The first factor is the circulation of information between the systems of vocational training and labor market. The different types of existing information systems that bridge the vocational training and labor market are defined and critically analyzed and their impact on national decision making is evaluated. The second factor that ought to have impact in the field of vocational training is strategic priorities of national economy. The critical analysis of long term strategy of development of national economy reveals the lack of strategic priorities that could inform the system of national decision making in the field of vocational training. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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