Mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos įgyvendinimo perspektyva Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos įgyvendinimo perspektyva Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Perspective of lifelong learning idea implementation in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2008, 89, p. 45-51
Summary / Abstract:

LTSuaugusiųjų švietimą Lietuvoje reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose terminų kaita pereinant nuo suaugusiųjų švietimo prie mokymosi visą gyvenimą įvyko, lyginant su užsienio šalimis, labai staigiai. Švietimo praktikoje šių pokyčių įgyvendinimas tapo iššūkiu visiems dirbantiems suaugusiųjų švietimo srityje. Straipsnio tikslas – parengti teoriškai patikimas prielaidas mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos įgyvendinimo perspektyvų analizei. Šiuo tikslu straipsnyje pateikiamos dvi sampratos – mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos įgyvendinimo. Sampratas patikrinus empiriškai, galima teigti, kad jie gali būti panaudoti mokymosi visą gyvenimą idėjos įgyvendinimo problemų ryškinimui bei jų sprendimo kelių paieškai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokymasis visą gyvenimą; Suaugusiųjų švietimas; Lifelong learning; Adult education.

ENIn the late 1960s in the vocabulary of adult education sector appeared new stresses and a paradigm shift has started to take place – from adult education towards adult learning. And now, due to the involvement of UNESCO, OECD and other EU organizations in the promotion of this idea, lifelong learning has received an international recognition. And with the Memorandum on lifelong learning which was released in 2000, the idea of lifelong learning has been successfuly developed on the political level. With the growing importance of this concept for the policy of education, it beacme a guiding principle for restructuring education in national contexts. Lithuanian system of education for these changes oppened only when Lithuania re-established independence and when the General Concept of Education was produced (1992). In this document adult education was treated as consisting from general adult education and vocational training. The discussions on the idea of lifelong learning were started only in 2001 together with the analysis of Memorandum. And legislation of this idea took place only in 2004, when the Strategy paper on lifelong learning was released. The shifts in paradigms, expressed in the documents – from adult education towards adult learning – in Lithuania, compared to other countries, was very sudden. Thus, the implementation of these changes into an educational practice became a challenging task for all the participants of adult education. The aim of this article is to develop theoretically valid assumptions for the research about the perspectives on carying out the idea of of lifelong learning in Lithuania.Firstly, the lifelong learning is discussed in the international context which is defined from political as well as from theoretical perspective. Then, the implementation of lifelong learning idea into the education of adults in Lithuania is analysed. The methodology of analysis is based on systemic approach. This approach allows for the authors to formulate two assumptions. In the context of the first assumption, adult education is treated as the system of activities, in which five types of activities can be distinguished: learning, teaching / learning facilitation, service provision, development of infrastructure, and dvelopment of an educational policy. This approach also foresees that changes have to take place and can be recorded in all five levels. The second assumption envisions that the implementation of changes within the system of adult education takes place when the relations between these two processes – natural and artficial – are established. Research methods: analysis of documents and theories. Conclusions. The perspective for implementation of the lifelong learning idea can be designed grounding on the systemic approach – defining adult education as a system consisting from five types of activity. Preconditions for the changes in the system of education have to be created in each type of activity, while planning the harmonized relations between the natural and artificial processes. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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