Pradinių klasių mokytojų geometrijos ir darbelių mokymo sąsajų vaizdinio analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pradinių klasių mokytojų geometrijos ir darbelių mokymo sąsajų vaizdinio analizė
Alternative Title:
Analysis into the construct of interfaces between the teaching of geometry and handwork Ddeveloped by primary teachers
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2007, 86, p. 142-148
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama pradinių klasių mokytojų geometrijos ir darbelių mokymo sąsajų (GDMS) samprata. Siekta atskleisti minėtos sampratos ypatumus. Apklausus 200 Lietuvos miesto ir kaimo mokyklų pradinių klasių mokytojų, respondentų GDMS vaizdinio verbalinės raiškos struktūrizavimas buvo atliktas trianguliacijos principu: pagal nuomonės akcentus, pagal geometrinio vaizdinio struktūros elementus, pagal geometrinio lavinimo stilių. Vertinant pradinių klasių mokytojų GDMS vaizdinį, remtasi geometrinių vaizdinių formavimo pradinėse klasėse modeliu [5, p. 50]. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pradinis ugdymas; Integruotas ugdymas; Geometrinis lavinimas; Primary education; Integrated education; Geometric training.

ENThe present article provides the analyses into the conception of interfaces between the teaching of geometry and handwork (hereinafter GHTI - geometry and handwork teaching interfaces) as understood by primary teachers. The purpose of the research is to disclose the specifics of the aforementioned conception. The analysis was performed based on the opinion provided by primary teachers of urban and rural schools all over Lithuania. Totally, there were surveyed 200 teachers. The verbal expression of GHTI construct as seen by the respondents was structured following the principle of triangulation including the accents of opinion, the structural elements of the geometric image and the style of geometric training. The GTHI construct of primary teachers was evaluated based on the model of geometric images formation at primary forms [4, p. 24]. The results of research. The findings of the analysis show that the GHTI construct developed by primary teachers may be characterized by a positive attitude towards combined teaching of geometry and handwork; variety of opinion accents; stress on the distinction of individual subjects being integrated; imagining of simply realizable practical geometric activity; attaching of different weight to topological, projection-based and metrical information; prevailing of expressive geometric training style with respect to descriptive, constructive and dynamic styles. The identified peculiarities characterizing the GHTI construct of primary teachers show that time has come for further development of primary geometric training methods in Lithuania. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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