Mokinių fizinis aktyvumas ir sveikata

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokinių fizinis aktyvumas ir sveikata
Alternative Title:
Pupils' physical activity and health
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2007, 85, p. 116-121
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokinių fizinio bei protinio darbingumo ugdymas yra svarbi ir aktuali pedagoginė problema. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti mokinių fizinio aktyvumo realią situaciją, mokymosi kokybę, išanalizuoti pagrindinius sveikatos rizikos veiksnius bei nustatyti sveikatos stiprinimo aktyviai judant ypatumus. Buvo atliktas tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo 211 vienos mokyklos mokinių, besimokančių 5-11 klasėse. Rezultatų analizė patvirtino nustatytą Lietuvoje bendrą statistinę tendenciją, kad visiškai sveikų mokinių (pirmos sveikatos grupės) yra mažiau nei pusė, daugėja antros sveikatos grupės mokinių, turinčių funkcinių sutrikimų, skaičius. Mokinių apklausos rezultatų analizė atskleidė žymius nukrypimus nuo higienos normų ruošiant pamokas: namų užduočių ruošimo reglamentuotą laiko limitą mokiniai viršija daugiau nei viena valanda. Aukštesnių klasių mokiniams būdingas mažas fizinis aktyvumas, fiziškai aktyvūs ir fiziškai pasyvūs mokiniai skirtingai leidžia laisvalaikį. Mokiniai per mažai dėmesio skiria dienotvarkei: pakankamai miega tik kas antras mokinys. Atliktas tyrimas leidžia kelti prielaidą, kad dienotvarkės svarba moksleivio sveikatai nėra pakankamai vertinama tiek moksleivių tėvų, tiek pačių moksleivių. Didelis mokinių sveikatos skaičių sutrikimas rodo, kad medikų ir pedagogų profilaktikos darbas vidurinėje mokykloje nėra reikiamo lygio, profilaktikos bei sveikatą gerinančių priemonių efektyvumas yra menkas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Fizinis aktyvumas; Sveikata; Vertybinės nuostatos; Motyvacija; Physical activity; Health.

ENSchool environment could and should become one of the most significant factors in health education. An important factor in students" health education is official health education policy of Education Bodies, as well as its reflection in school activities and Educational Programs. In solving educational objectives schools aspire to develop conscious attitude of students towards physical education as one of the means for strengthening health. It is noted in Physical Educational Standards that by spreading the principles of health and safe way of living, school aspires to consolidate them in the life of both family, and local society. It is really significant to make students recognize preventive values of physical educational and regular physical activity become their inseparable part of life. Today health conception is defined as all-round physical, spiritual, mental, emotional and social wealth of individual and society. While reforming school, it is very important by common efforts of family, medical people, teachers and society to prioritize health in the system of values, to develop moral values related to the preservation and strengthening of health, as well as to form an appropriate students' attitude towards health of their own and that of the others. The aim of the study is to research pupils physical activity and health at V-XI forms of the Basanavičiaus secondary school in Vilnius. The tasks of the study were to investigate the scientific, pedagogical and medical literature on the chosen topic, toexsamine pupils' mental and physical working capacity per day and per week, to evaluate physical activity during the leisure time and to find out the souses of the physical passivity. The methods of investigation.There were used the following methods for the accomplishment of the study: The analysis of the literary sources (pedagogical, sociological, medical). Pedagogical-sociological methods: questionnaire survey, interview, pedagogical experiment. The methods of mathematical statistic/ Conclusions Mental working capacity is stipulated by the following factors: the way of conveying teaching material, process of promotion, shaping daily routine of pupils, school anxiety, family care of pupils; rest, rational distribution of time, add charge during the lesson. It was established that the different factors influence the pupils' physical activity. The most important factors are the school conditions, motives of the activity and value orientations through which the social system regulates the behavior of the personality. Very important are pedagogical factors: daytime table, leisure, business. The task of the school is to organize the process of learning: to norm rationally the physical and intellectual charge, to give opportunities to satisfy the biological need to move, to organize properly the conditions fro work and leisure, to encourage to keep the time table. Natural, existential, practical, social, cultural and spiritual moral values should be cherished in developing harmonized personality. These values should be consolidated in students' behavior - in activity and in free time. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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