"Pedagogika" nuo ištakų iki dabarties

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Pedagogika" nuo ištakų iki dabarties
Alternative Title:
"Pedagogika": from the genesis- until present (on the 45th Anniversary of the "Pedagogika" journal)
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2007, 85, p. 9-13
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiamos mokslo darbų žurnalo Pedagogika atsiradimo prielaidos, kaita ir vaidmuo plėtojant pedagogikos mokslą Lietuvoje, parodoma, kaip kito leidinio periodiškumas, tematika, publikacijų turinys ir mokslinis lygis, apimtis, ryšiai su pasaulio pedagogikos mokslu, naujausių mokslinių tyrimų technologijų taikymu. Išsamiai nušviečiamos pirmojo žurnalo numerio atsiradimo aplinkybės, analizuojama straipsnių tematika, tyrimo metodika, turinys. Okupacijos laikotarpiu išleistų tomų analizė atskleidė, kad publikacijų turinys ir išvados dažniau nei dabar rėmėsi ugdymo proceso, o ne nuomonių tyrinėjimu, tyrimuose buvo dažniau taikomas pedagoginis eksperimentas. To meto publikacijose nagrinėjamos problemos išliko aktualios iki šių dienų, pavyzdžiui, ryšys tarp teorijos ir praktikos, mokymo proceso tobulinimas ir kt. Atkūrus Nepriklausomybę, ketvirtąjį Pedagogikos leidybos dešimtmetį, įvyko kokybinė ir kiekybinė kaita: padaugėjo išleistų tomų, išsiplėtė leidinio ryšiai, nagrinėjamų temų apimtis, vyko tam tikri mokslinio darbo metodikos pokyčiai, pasikeitė redakcinės kolegijos narių skaičius ir geografija. Nuo 2002 m. redkolegijos pirmininke tapo prof. Marija Barkauskaitė, Pedagogika buvo įtraukta į tarptautines duomenų bazes.

ENRelationships between the past and the present are one of the most importam conditions of successful development of the future. The above idea has been stressed in numerous philosophers' and educators' works. Thus it is significant for development of education science to turn back and face its sources, both further and closer. The present article is a general overview of the birth of the "Pedagogika" scientific journal, as well as its development, changes, character of die works published, significance of the issues analyzed and methods of research. The author analyses in a more detailed manner die first volume of the journal, by disdosing the conditions of its origination and by stressing the concern of still alive senioraged interwar period education and psychology researchers about national-level school staff training. It was namely this young generation that became the kernel of research work publishers and authors of artides. The article manifests how the significant issues of that period that have not lost their significance until today, like the relationship betvveen theory and practice, knowing how to learn, transfer of knowledge into real life, etc. were solved in the years of occupation under rather poor conditions, often under the mask of titles corresponding to the ephemeral requirements of the said period. In the period analyzed, a much larger number of articles had been prepared on the basis of pedagogical experiments.Yet the materials of the period had poor publication possibilities: the first decade of the journal's existence resulted in only 11 volumes; meanwhile, as few as 5 volumes were published in the course of the second decade. After the restoration of national independence, the continuity of the publication was maintained. Yet its publication possibilities have changed substantially, with the increased number of researchers and expansion of International relations. In the anniversary (i.e. the 40th) year of the publication's existence, a record number of volumes were published - as many as 9 volumes. Since that year, after Prof. M. Barkauskaitė became the chief editor of the publication, International relations have expanded rapidly. The journal was included in a number of international databases and has its own website by the address http://www.vpu.lt/pedagogika. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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