Visa griaunančios moters paveikslas Jonės Balčiūnaitės romane Situacija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Visa griaunančios moters paveikslas Jonės Balčiūnaitės romane Situacija
Alternative Title:
Portrait of a demolition woman in a novel Situacija [The Situation] by Jonė Balčiūnaitė
In the Journal:
Teksto slėpiniai. 2008, Nr. 11, p. 21-32
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas -- aptarti moters paveikslą Jonės Balčiūnaitės romane "Situacija". Straipsnio autorės nuomone, Jonės Balčiūnaitės romanas "Situacija" (1993) pasirodymo metu teigiamo sovietinio herojaus nuvainikavimu buvo naujas ir originalus savo požiūriu į sovietmetį. Platesniame lietuvių literatūros raidos istoriniame kontekste galima pamatyti ir šiame kūrinyje esančias normatyvinio vaizdavimo, kuris formavosi XX a. 5--6 dešimtmetyje, klišes. Vienas iš reikalavimų to meto literatūrai -- teigiamo / neigiamo veikėjo opozicija, išryškinanti ideologines nuostatas, akivaizdus Ievos Simonaitytės apysakoje "Pikčiurnienė".Kūrinio siužeto pagrindą sudarantis klasinis konfliktas lemia ryškų neigiamos veikėjos paveikslą. Kitos šio laikotarpio Jono Marcinkevičiaus apysakos "Audronė Narmontaitė" pagrindinė veikėja -- tipiška teigiama herojė. Mokytojos profesija tampa pagrindinių ideologinių nuostatų ruporu. Apysakos tikslas -- atskleisti teigiamos herojės įtaką neapsisprendusiam, abejojančiam veikėjui, taip pat ir skaitytojui. Akivaizdu, kad skirtingais laikotarpiais sukurti tekstai, kurių tikslas -- ideologinė komunikacija, skaitytojui kalba plakatiškai, normatyviškai. Tokių kūrinių estetinis matmuo išlieka problemiškas. Straipsnio autorė teigia, kad J. Balčiūnaitės romane per pagrindinės veikėjos Gerardos paveikslą sugriaunamas sovietinės moters aktyvistės mitas, šaržuojama naujo gyvenimo kūrimo istorija.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Normatyvinė literatūra; Teigiamas / neigiamas veikėjas; Ideologinė komunikacija.; Normative literature; Positive and negative characters; Ideological communication.

ENAt the time Jonė Balčiūnaitė's novel "Situacija" [The situation] (1993) appeared, the book presented a new and original perspective on the soviet years, a positive demythologisation of the soviet hero. In the wider historical context of the scope of Lithuanian literature, the cliché of the prevailing normative portrayal, formed in the fifth and sixth decades of the twentieth century, is visible in this work as well. One of the requirements of the literature of the time was the opposition of positive and negative characters to clarify ideological positions, obvious in Ieva Simonaitytė's Pikčiurnienė [the shrew]. The class conflict which forms the basis of this book's plot determines the clearly negative portrayal of the main character. Another typical protagonist from this time period is the title character of Jonas Marcinkevičius's short story Audronė Narmontaitė. The teaching profession becomes the basic mouthpiece of an ideological position. The story's purpose is to show the positive heroine's influence on an undecided, doubting character, and simultaneously on the reader. It is obvious that texts created during various time periods, whose purpose is the communication of ideology, speak to the reader in broad stereotypes. The aesthetic dimension of these works remains problematic. The destruction of the myth of the soviet activist woman through the portrait of Gerarda, the main character of Balčiūnaitė's novel, caricatures the narrative of the creation of a "new" life. [From the publication]The article aims at discussing the image of a woman in Jonė Balčiūnaitė’s novel "Situacija" (1993). In the opinion of the author of the article at the time of its publishing the novel was new and original in terms of the subject of debunking of the positive Soviet hero and with its view of the Soviet period. In a broader historical context of development of the Lithuanian literature one can also notice the clichés of the standard imagery, which was shaped in the forties – fifties of the 20th century in the said novel. One of the requirements, applied to the literature of the period, i. e. the opposition between the positive and negative character in order to highlight the ideological attitude, is obvious in Ieva Simonaitytė’s novella "Pikčiurnienė". The conflict between classes, forming the basis of the plot, determined a prominent image of the antagonist. The main protagonist of another novella of the period, i. e. Jonas Marcinkevičius’s "Audronė Narmontaitė" is a typical positive character. The teacher’s profession becomes the main ideological megaphone. The aim of the novella is to reveal the influence of the positive character on the uncertain and undetermined character as well as on the reader. It is obvious that the texts, created during different time periods with the aim of ideological communication communicate with the reader in the standard manner. The aesthetical dimension of such works remains problematic. The author of the article states that J. Balčiūnaitė’s novel, by the image of the main character Gerarda, demolishes the myth of the Soviet activist woman and lampoons the history of creation of the new life.

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