Studijų kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos modelio kūrimas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studijų kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos modelio kūrimas
Alternative Title:
Development of study quality assurance system model
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Summary / Abstract:

LTMokymo proceso kokybės užtikrinimas ypač aktualus kolegijoms - naujoms mokslo institucijoms Lietuvoje, kurios pagal Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo įstatymą priskiriamos prie aukštojo mokslo organizacijų ir įvardijamos kaip neuniversitetinių aukštųjų studijų sektorius. Straipsnio tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti efektyvios studijų kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos kūrimo prielaidas kolegijoje ir pateikti studijų kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos modelį. Tyrimui vykdyti naudojami taikomieji tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros sisteminė ir lyginamoji analizė, dokumentų turinio analizė, anketinė apklausa, matematinė ir aprašomoji statistika. Studijų, mokslo ir institucijos veiklos kokybę pasiekti įgalina vidinės kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos įdiegimas ir jos nuolatinis tobulinimas. Išorinis studijų kokybės vertinimas padeda tobulinti šią sistemą ir garantuoja jos veiksmingumo didėjimą. Lietuvos kolegijose diegiant kokybės užtikrinimo sistemas vadovaujamasi principu, kad institucijos arba jos narių sugebėjimas teikti kokybiškas paslaugas pasireiškia sistemingu studento, dėstytojo, darbo rinkos poreikių ir lūkesčių aiškinimusi, jų suvokimu ir tenkinimu. Atlikus tyrimo rezultatų analizę galima teigti, kad kokybės užtikrinimas - tai kolektyvinė veikla, o svarbiausios studijų kokybės užtikrinimo sistemos kūrimo ir tobulinimo prielaidos yra nuolatinis ir planingas studijų kokybės gerinimas, dėmesio sutelkimas į akademinio personalo, studentų ir darbdavių nuolat besikeičiančių poreikių tenkinimą, visų kolegijos darbuotojų dalyvavimas studijų kokybės gerinimo procese, teorinių studijų ir praktinio mokymo bazės pakankamumas, tinkamumas ir prieinamumas.

ENIn current economic conditions enterprises compete for consumers, employees, government and society benevolence. In the context provided colleges have to implement all means if they seek to survive and develop their activities successfully, the main being study quality assurance. Therefore, the problem of the research, establishing study a quality assurance system and its control, and improving study quality in the college, is being revealed. The aim is to define presumptions for creating an efficient quality control system in the college and to provide a model of a quality control system. The methodology of the research: Theoretical research of the problem raised is based on the analysis of the scientific literature by foreign and Lithuanian authors, scientific publications, and of state and separate institutions. A questionnaire method was used for the collection of empirical data. The data analysis was performed by using the methods of mathematic and descriptive statistics. The questionnaire method was used as it is an inexpensive and common method that allows the survey of an unlimited number of respondents and guarantees anonymity and authenticity of the information obtained. In the article the processes in non - university higher education are described, including the definitions of its products, consumers and the study quality conception. The principles of establishing a study quality assurance system in Lithuanian colleges and its theoretical assumptions have been analyzed. In the third part of the article the results of the research carried out in Žemaitija College are discussed.On the basis of the research of the creation of a college study quality assurance system and its improvement presumptions have been indicated. The results: Having summarized the analysis of the scientific literature sources and the results of the empirical research the presumptions of an effective study quality control system were defined and the model of a quality control system was suggested for Žemaitija College. Conclusions: Quality control could be described as conditions providing a personality development and obtaining the qualification in the institution in conformity to the requirements raised. Colleges can be assessed as all other organizations and general management laws can be applied. The assessment process should be performed according to the plan arranged in advance and involve all areas which influence study quality, moreover, it has to reflect different group representatives' opinions, the dissemination of the results is important. Quality control of science, studies and institution activities is the essential presumption to compete in the market of higher education. It can be secured implementing and constantly developing a quality control system. The institution should provide quality service which is achieved in permanent research of the students', lecturers', labour market needs and their realization. [From the publication]Ensuring of quality of the teaching process is especially relevant to colleges, which are new educational facilities in Lithuania and which, according to the Law on Higher Education are attributed to the higher educational facilities of the non-university higher educational sector. The study aims at identifying the prerequisites for development of an efficient system for ensuring of quality of education at colleges and presenting a model of the system. Applied methods of study were used, i. e. systematic and comparative analysis of scientific literature, documents’ content analysis, questionnaire survey, mathematical and descriptive statistics. The quality of studies, science and institutions’ activities can be reached with implementing and continuous development of an internal quality assurance system. External evaluation of quality of education helps to develop the system and ensures the increase of its efficiency. When implementing quality assurance systems at Lithuanian colleges the following principle is observed: the ability of the institution or its members to provide quality services manifests by a systematic identification, comprehension and satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the student, the teacher and the labour market. Upon performing the analysis of results of the study it can be stated that quality assurance is a collective activity and the most important prerequisites for development and improvement of the system of ensuring of quality of education are continuous and planned improvement of quality of education, focusing the attention to satisfaction of the continuously changing needs of the academic staff, students and employers, participation of the entire college staff in the quality improvement process, sufficiency, appropriateness and accessibility of the theoretical studies’ and practical teaching base.

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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