Rytų aukštaičių uteniškių daugiskaitos naudininko ir įnagininko priegaidės: audicinis tyrimas.

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rytų aukštaičių uteniškių daugiskaitos naudininko ir įnagininko priegaidės: audicinis tyrimas
Alternative Title:
About the word accents in the endings of the cases datyvus and instrumentalis in the eastern Lithuanian subdialects of Utena
In the Journal:
Žmogus ir žodis [Man and the Word]. 2008, 1, p. 78-83
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrimo tikslas -- audiciniu eksperimentu patikrinti uteniškių vardažodžių sutrumpėjusių daugiskaitos naudininko ir įnagininko linksnių formų priegaides. Audicinis eksperimentas atliktas du kartus: su uteniškių tarmės atstovais ir su skirtingų tarmių atstovais. Straipsnio autorės teigia, kad eksperimento rezultatai parodė, jog aiškaus tiriamųjų formų -- daugiskaitos naudininko ir įnagininko linksnių -- priegaidžių skyrimo arba neskyrimo nenustatyta. Abiejų audicinių eksperimentų dalyviai vienų žodžių formas skyrė labai gerai, kitų -- blogai. Abiejose auditorių grupėse teisingai atpažinta maždaug apie pusę žodžių porų: pirmojoje trys iš aštuonių, antrojoje -- penkios iš aštuonių. Tokie nevienodi eksperimento rezultatai leidžia manyti, kad tiriamojoje tarmėje šiose formose nėra aiškios priegaidžių opozicijos, jų realizacijos smarkiai įvairuoja net ir to paties pateikėjo kalboje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tarmė; Daugiskaita; Naudininkas; įnagininkas; Priegaidė; Audicinis eksperimentas; Dialect; Plural; Dative; Instrumental; Accent; Auditive experiment.

ENPamphlets, poems, novels are legitimate genres that can be used for propaganda purposes. Pamphlets offer particularly convenient venues of criticism for the purpose of propaganda and the denunciation of hostile "enemy smiles" or intents. Propaganda verses are used to support or create new myths and symbols for use by a totalitarian society. Novels, however, can be used for the purpose of systematic persuasion only if they are included in the educational programs for schools, colleges and universities or are related to popular interpretations of historical legends. Stalinist epic novels often strove to create new legends surrounding historical events, class struggle and the role of the party in the advance of the proletariat. Works by several Lithuanian writers of the late Stalinist period, notably P. Cvirkas pamphlets, poems by S. Neris and T. Tilvytis and a novel by A. Gudaitis-Guzevičius are analyzed and interpreted in this article. All of these works were related to the ideological necessities of Stalinist campaigns of persuasion. Their authors were ideological conformists, active and creative propagandists, who expressed specific national as well as popular international feelings. Neris, Tilvytis and Gudaitis- Guzevičius, as well as the poet A. Venclova, received the State Stalin Prize in literature. Finally, the article argues for the necessity of specific philosophical and anthropological analyses of this kind of propaganda literature. [From the publication]The aim of the study is, by the way of audio experiment, to verify the intonations of shortened plural dative and ablative case forms of names, used by the inhabitants of Utena district. The audio experiment was performed two times: with the representatives of the dialect of Utena district and with representatives of different dialects. The authors of the article state that the results of the experiment showed that no clear imposition or non-imposition of intonations on the forms in question, i. e. plural dative and ablative cases was identified. The participants of both audio experiments identified certain word forms very well, other forms were identified less efficiently. In both groups approximately half of the word pairs were identified correctly: three out of eight in the first group and five out of eight in the second group. Such uneven results of the experiment give reasons to believe that there is no clear opposition of intonations of the forms in the dialect in question and their implementation strongly differs even in the speech of the same presenter.

1392-8600; 1822-7805
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