Lyderio minties veiklos įtaka organizacijos vystymuisi

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lyderio minties veiklos įtaka organizacijos vystymuisi
Alternative Title:
  • Leader's intellective activity impact on development of organization
  • Bияние мыследеятельности лидера на развитие организации
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2007, Nr. 43, p. 69-85
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - pagrįsti lyderio vystymąsi dėl minties veiklos kaip būtinybę organizacijos vystymuisi. Organizacijoje mąstantis žmogus yra vadybininkas, kurį šiame straipsnyje suvokiame kaip aukščiausiojo lygio vadovą bei kuris dėl minties veiklos panaudojimo ir kitų gebėjimų taip pat yra laikomas lyderiu. Lyderis turi nuolat sugebėti sintezuoti naudodamasis sistemine logika, gebėti sutelkti į vieną vietą reikiamus išteklius, objektus, žmones, idėjas ir visa tai sujungti vienam tikslui. Lyderis yra vertės kūrėjas organizacijoje. Jis sugeba naudotis savo sąmone, pasąmone, todėl organizuotai naudoja savo minties veiklą vystymuisi. Lyderis kaip mąstantis subjektas turi neribotas galimybes vystytis. Vadybininkas-lyderis yra būtinas organizacijos elementas, o vystydamasis daro įtaką jį supančios aplinkos vystymuisi - organizacijos vystymuisi. Atlikus Lietuvos aukščiausiųjų vadybininkų apklausos duomenų analizę, galima pripažinti, kad Lietuvoje yra organizacijų, kuriose nesivystoma arba negalvojama apie vystymąsi. Vadinasi, lyderiai nesuvokia vystymosi galimybių. Dėl šios priežasties būtina kurti priemones vadybininkų suvokimui didinti. Remiantis literatūros analize ir atlikto tyrimo duomenimis galima konstatuoti, kad gana dažnai vien realiais skaičiais grįstų sprendimų priėmimas yra nesėkmingas, todėl derinant intuityvų ir racionalų mąstymą galima pasiekti sinergijos efektą valdant ir vystant organizacijas. Priklausomai nuo intuicijos formuojasi minties veiklos kelias. Reikia pripažinti šias vidines proto galimybes, kad jos įgytų formą išoriniame pasaulyje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vadovas; Lyderis; Lyderio vystymasis; Mąstymas; Minties veikla; Minties veiklos procesas; Sisteminis mąstymas; Organizacijos vystymasis; Organizacijos valdymas; Intuicija; Motyvavimas; Besivystantis lyderis; Sąmonės ir pasąmonės galia valdyme; Manager; Leader; Development of leadership; Intellection; Intellective activity; Mental processes; Systematic-thinking; Organization development; Organization management; Intuition; Intuitivating; Development of leader; Motivating; Power of consciousness and subliminal mind in management.

ENPeople are the only objects in the Earth that are able to use their mind and intellective activity. Intellection difference people from animals: people difference their ability to think about intellection (Winston, 2005). Manager is the person using his / her intellective activity in organization. Manager in this article is considered as a top manager in organization. In the authors' opinion, manager is considered as leader if he / she has various abilities. The leader is creator of value in organization. He/she is able to use consciousness and subconsciousness and accordingly employs the intellective activities in an organized manner. On the other hand, not every manager is a leader. Some managers do not have inherent qualities or vocation for leadership. Nevertheless scientists claim (Malik, 2005) that leadership skills can be acquired. However managers are not always able of acknowledging their inner resources as a potential for development. They do not perceive the prospects of continuous development and thus they halt as soon as they achieve a convenient development level, they do not build up on their capacities and use their limited potential to manage and develop the organization. Managers should be trained respectively and taught to apply a creative approach towards problems by employing their intellective activities. Development of organization depends on development of its leader-manager. On the other hand, leaders have to perceive that the intellective activity is the main tool for boundless development.For this reason the authors of this article analyze how the top managers in organization (considered as leaders) perceive development of the organization, the intellective activity, the systemic intellection and impact of the intuition in management. In 2006 the authors of this article organized the qualitative research of the top managers in organizations about the intellection managing and developing Lithuanian organizations. The respondents were given a questionnaire in the form of an anonymous form comprising 17 questions. The object of the research was the managers' apprehension of contemplation in managing and developing Lithuanian organizations. 60 anonymous questionnaires were given away 42 of which were collected. The survey data were processed by SPSS 13.0 software. To identify the qualitative reliability of the respondents' answers and the links among the individual statements of the replies, the correlation of the respondents' replies was calculated. Based on the literature analysis and the research data, it can be stated that often decision making based merely on actual figures turns out to be unsuccessful and thus a combination of intuitive and rational thinking can produce a synergy effect in managing and developing organizations. The mind activity course is intuition-sensitive. In the opinion of the authors, the internal mind potential must be recognised for it to gain a form in the external world. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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