Penitencinių įstaigų darbuotojų pedagoginės sąveikos raida (1980-2000 metais)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Penitencinių įstaigų darbuotojų pedagoginės sąveikos raida (1980-2000 metais)
Alternative Title:
Development of pedagogical interaction of penitentiary workers (1980-2000)
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2001, t. 8, p. 163-174
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje tyrinėjamos Lietuvos pataisos įstaigų darbuotojų ir nuteistųjų pedagoginės sąveikos ypatybės 1980-1990 ir 1990-2000 metais, nustatyti pataisos įstaigų darbuotojų ir nuteistųjų santykių ugdymo dėsningumai, analizuojama užsienio šalių penitencinių sistemų įtaka Lietuvos penitencinei sistemai, nurodomos pataisos įstaigų pedagoginės sąveikos tobulinimo perspektyvos. Tyrime dalyvavo griežtojo režimo pataisos darbų kolonijų nuteistieji ir darbuotojai. Atlikta gautų rezultatų analizė patvirtino, kad nuteistojo asmenybės poreikių patenkinimas darbu prisideda prie humaniškų nuteistųjų ir pataisos įstaigų darbuotojų santykių ugdymo, skatina nuteistuosius pasitaisyti ir dorai elgtis. Į tai svarbu atsižvelgti tobulinant penitencinių įstaigų pedagoginį procesą, užtikrinant visuomenės saugumą ir nusikaltimų profilaktiką. Nepasitvirtino kelta prielaida, kad pataisos įstaigų ir nuteistųjų tarpusavio santykiai empatiški: iki 1990 metų nenustatyta koreliacinio PĮ darbuotojų ir nuteistųjų išgyvenimų ryšio, vyrauja beasmenė sąveika, be empatijos. Siekiant tobulinti pedagoginę sąveiką, reikėtų kelti darbuotojų psichologinę-pedagoginę kvalifikaciją. Kadangi penitencinių įstaigų darbuotojų ir nuteistųjų sąveika reguliuojama įstatymais, pirmiausia reikėtų sukurti veiksmingesnę teisinę pataisos proceso bazę (remiantis užsienio patirtimi). Tyrimas parodė, kad dera kuo skubiau priimti Elgesio su nuteistaisiais, Pataisos, arba penitencinės veiklos, o ne Bausmių vykdymo kodeksą, keisti baudžiamąją politiką racionalia socialine plėtra ir spręsti žmonių asmenines problemas.

ENThe problem of the pedagogical interaction between the penitentiary workers and the inmates is a topical issue in Lithuania today. The essence of the constructive interaction is empathy, and the aim of the interaction is to create and make the members of the interaction more cooperative with each other. The opposite effect to that of the interaction brings about unnatural and abnormal behavior both of the trainers and their trainees. The aim of the article is to set the peculiarities of the interaction between the workers of the penitentiary institutions and the inmates, and to look at the perspectives of improving their penitentiary activities and pedagogical interaction. The research has demonstrated that if the needs of an inmate personality are satisfied by work and production it helps to enhance the human interrelation between the workers and inmates of the penitentiary institutions as well as encourage the sentenced persons to reform and to behave morally. The suggested hypothesis has been proved. Such a precondition is essential in improving the pedagogical process of the penitentiary institutions and guaranteeing the public safety and prevention of crime. A possibility for the inmates to satisfy their needs by decent work (at present only 22 per cent of the sentenced people have work) would create natural conditions for them to improve, as well as make the human relations better and decrease the number of criminal offences.The assumption that the relation between the workers of the penitentiary system and the inmates is empathic has not proved. Up to 1990 - the year of the Declaration of Independence of Lithuania - there was no a correlative relation between the workers of the penitentiary institutions and inmates. Therefore the impersonal interaction without any empathy pre' dominated. This has resulted in aggressiveness. In order to improve the pedagogical interaction, the psychological and pedagogical qualification of the penitentiary system workers should be raised. On the grounds that this particular kind of interrelation is based upon the laws, the primary need is to establish a more effective legal basis for correctional process and to use the experience of foreign countries in this sphere. The study has shown that the present situation calls for Correctional or Penitentiary Code instead of the Executive Code. It is also urgent to pass from the penal to rational social policy and solve people's personal problems. In the process of humanizing the penal policy, alternative means of punishment, i.e. restorative justice and probation and parole are applied. An article ensuring that all sentenced persons (except for the extremely dangerous) who have served two thirds of the punishment are send without trial to parole institutions should be included in the Correctional Code. [From the publication]The article analyses particularities of pedagogical interactions between the employees of correctional institutions and convicts of 1980-1990 and 1990-2000, defines laws of developing the relationship between employees of correctional institutions and convicts, analyses the influence of foreign penitent systems on Lithuanian penitent system, and sets perspectives for developing pedagogical interactions at correctional institutions. The research involved convicts and employees from straight regimen correctional institutions. The analysis of the results confirmed that the fulfilment of convicts’ need through the job contributes to the development of human relations between convicts and employees of correctional institutions, and encourages convicts to improve and behave morally. This should be taken into account while improving pedagogical processes of penitent institutions, ensuring public safety, and prevention of crimes. The research did not confirm the hypothesis that relationship between the employees of correction institutions and convicts are empathic: correlation between employees and experiences of convicts was not detected before 1990; they are related by impersonal interactions with any empathy. Aiming to improve pedagogical activities, raising psychological-pedagogical qualification of employees is necessary. Since the relationship of employees of penitent institutions and convicts is regulated by the laws, first more efficient legal base of corrective process shall be created (on the bases of foreign experience). The research showed that, its is important to adopt the Code of Treatment of Convicts, Correction, or Penitent Activities as soon as possible, rather than the Code of Punishments, change punitive policy to rational social development and solve personal problems of people.

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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