Abraomas Kulvietis Liuveno universitete

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Abraomas Kulvietis Liuveno universitete
Alternative Title:
Abraomas Kulvietis at the University of Leuven
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2007, t. 9, p. 99-120
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi nauji faktai apie Lietuvos Reformacijos pradininko Abraomo Kulviečio (apie 1510--1545) studijas Liuveno universitete ir analizuojama to laikotarpio kultūrinė universiteto aplinka. Nors ankstyvosios Kulviečio veiklos rekonstrukcijos buvo parašytos XVI a., liko daug nepatvirtintų faktų apie Kulviečio studijas Vakarų universitetuose. Informacija apie Kulviečio studijas Liuveno universitete, pristatyta Johanno Hoppijaus "Oratio funebris" (1547), suabejojo XX a. tyrėjas Vaclovas Biržiška. Kulviečio studijos Liuvene buvo paliudytos Liuveno universiteto matrikulų knygoje, kuri saugoma Valstybiniame Belgijos archyve Liuvene. Kulvietis buvo įrašytas kaip Abraham Lithfanus, įmatrikuliuotas 1533 m. balandžio mėnesį Liuvene. Nors įrašų knygoje nenurodomas fakultetas, kiti antriniai šaltiniai įrodo, kad jis studijavo žymiajame Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense. Straipsnyje apibūdinami Kulviečio studijų laikotarpio pagrindiniai teologijos profesoriai ir Collegium Trilingue. Kulvietis buvo garsus savo didžiule ir modernia spausdintų knygų kolekcija. Straipsnyje analizuojami kai kurie jos aspektai, aprašomos įvairios knygos, kurias Kulvietis galėjo įsigyti, nes jos tuo metu buvo išspausdintos Liuvene. Taip pat aptariami kai kurie kiti įdomūs kultūrinio Liuveno gyvenimo aspektai. Studijos Collegium Trilingue iš esmės veikė lietuvių Reformacijos pradininko humanistinę metodologiją, palaikė ir jo idėją apie pirmąją Lietuvos aukštąją mokyklą. Kulviečio 1541 m. Vilniuje įkurta mokykla buvo akivaizdus patirties, įgytos Collegium Trillingue, rezultatas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Abraomas Kulvietis; Liuveno universitetas; Abraomas Kulvietis; Luven university.

ENThe article presents new facts about the studies of the pioneer of Lithuanian reformation Abrahamus Culvensis (Abraomas Kulvietis Ginvilonis, Abrahamus Culvensis Gynvilonis, about 1510-1545) at the University of Leuven and analyses the cultural ambience of the university at the period. Although the early reconstructions of the activity of Culvensis were written in the 16th century, there still remained many unconfirmed facts about Culvensis's studies in Western universities. The information about Culvensis's studies at the University of Leuven presented in the Oratio Funebris (1547) by Iohannes Hoppius was challenged by the 20th century researcher Vaclovas Biržiška. Culvensis's studies at Leuven were confirmed by the record book of the University of Leuven preserved in the Belgium national archive in leuven. Culvensis was inscribed as Abraham Lithfanus, matriculated in April of 1533 in the University of Leuven. Although the record book does not elaborate on the faculty, other secondary sources prove he had studied in the famous Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense. Later Culvensis was known as an expert in classical languages (homo trium linguarum) and had been invited to hold the position of professor of classical languages in the University of Königsberg. This article describes the main professors of theology and the Collegium Trilingue during the period of Culvensis's studies. It indicates that the situation in the Faculty of theology was not conducive to stimulating the inclinations of Culvensis towards protestantism.The dominant trends of the conservative theology were feuding with the modern humanitarian methodology of the Collegium Trilingue. Culvensis was notable for his huge and modern collection of printed books. My article also analyses some aspects of his collection and describes various books which could have been acquired by Culvensis, since they were published in Leuven at the time. Some other interesting aspects of cultural life in Leuven are analyzed. For instance, the rise of the study of medicine among the advocates of protestantism and the possible inclination of Culvensis toward contemporary medicine, the influence of Johannes Campensis's psalm interpretation on Culvensis's literary and cultural activity. Study in the Collegium Trilingue affected essentially the humanistic methodology of the Lithuanian pioneer of the reformation, as well as stimulated his ideas about the first Lithuanian high school. The school founded by Culvensis in Vilnius in 1541 was an obvious result of the experience gained in the Collegium Trillingue. [From the publication]The article delivers new facts about the studies of the initiator of Lithuanian Reformation Abraomas Kulvietis (about 1510-1514) in Luven University, and analyses cultural environment of the university of that time. Since the reconstruction of early activities of Kulvietis were written in the 16th c., a lot of facts about his studies in the West universities remained unconfirmed. The information about Kulvietis studies in Luven University, presented in “Oratio funebris” by Johann Hoppy (1547) was doubted by the researcher of the 20th c. Vaclovas Biržiška. Kulvietis studies in Luven were witnessed in matriculate of Luven University that is stored in Luven in State Archive of Belgium. Kulvietis was recorded as Abraham Lithfanus, matriculated on April of 1533 in Luven. Although matriculate does not indicate the faculty, other secondary sources evidence his studies in famous Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense. The article describes the main professors of theology and Collegium Trilingue of Kulvietis time. Kulvietis was famous for his large and modern collection of printed books. The article analyses some aspects of his collection, describes various books that might be acquired by Kulvietis, since they were printed in Luven in that time. In addition, the article discusses some other interesting aspects cultural life in Luven. Studies in Collegium Trilingue essentially influenced humanistic methodology of the initiator of Lithuanian reformation, and supported his idea about the first higher education institution in Lithuania. A school opened by Kulvietis in 1541 in Vilnius was obvious result of experience obtained at Collegium Trilingue.

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