Mažų ekonomikų augimo veiksniai : atvirumo poveikis Lietuvos ekonominiam augimui

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mažų ekonomikų augimo veiksniai: atvirumo poveikis Lietuvos ekonominiam augimui
Alternative Title:
Growth factors in small economies: the openness impact on Lithuanian economic growth
In the Journal:
Taikomoji ekonomika: sisteminiai tyrimai [Applied economics: systematic research]. 2008, t. 2, Nr. 2, p. 29-44
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnio tikslas - išanalizavus mažų ekonomikų augimo veiksnius, ištirti atvirumo pokyčių poveikį Lietuvos ekonominiam augimui. Maža ekonomika - tai šalis, kurioje gyventojų skaičius neviršija 6 milijonų. Lietuva priskiriama mažų ekonomikų kategorijai. Ekonomikos dydis neapsprendžia šalies ekonominės sėkmės, ekonominės gerovės lygio bei ekonominio augimo, tačiau didesnis atvirumas mažose ekonomikose gali kompensuoti daugelį su mažu dydžiu susijusių trūkumų. Atlikta statistinių duomenų analizė parodė, jog mažos ekonomikos pagal ekonominius rodiklius yra labai skirtingos. Didelių ir mažų ekonomikų makroekonominių rodiklių reikšmės taip pat skiriasi. Todėl galima teigti, jog ekonomikos dydis neturi lemiamos įtakos makroekonominiams rodikliams bei ekonominiam augimui. Šių rodiklių skirtumus didele dalimi lemia istorinė raida, ekonominio išsivystymo lygis. Vienodo išsivystymo šalių grupėje mažose ekonomikose atvirumas yra didesnis. Be to, didelių šalių atvirumo kitimas laike paprastai yra lėtesnis. Mažose ekonomikose atvirumas turi didesnį poveikį ekonominiam augimui tuo atveju, jeigu ekonomikos gerovės lygis ir dabartinis atvirumo laipsnis nėra aukštas. Materialinės investicijos ir atvirumo rodiklis yra veiksniai, turintys didžiausią poveikį Lietuvos ekonominiam augimui (BVP žmogui). Todėl Lietuvoje didžiausią dėmesį reikėtų skirti materialinių investicijų skatinimui ir atvirumo didinimui, tačiau ekonominio efektyvumo požiūriu, šaliai būtų naudingiau didinti atvirumo lygį per eksporto, o ne importo apimčių didėjimą. Siekiant šalies ekonominio augimo, būtina vykdyti valstybės ekonominę politiką, remiančią eksportą ir investicijas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Maža ekonomika; Atvirumas; Ekonominis augimas; Small economy; Openess; Economic growth.

EN[...] The goal of this paper is to analyze growth factors in small economies, exploring the impact of openness changes to Lithuanian economy. [...] The analysis carried out in this paper showed that the size of economy does not have great impact on economic indicators and economic growth. The differences between these indicators mainly were conditioned by historic situation and the level of economic development. In the present situation the openness has the great impact on economic growth. Authors revealed in this work that this impact depends on the present openness level. [...] When openness index reaches approximately 60%, it could be inverse dependency between two analyzed variables. Present Lithuanian openness index reaches 33.34 %. That is why Lithuania should further seek increasing country's openness. Lithuanian economic growth manifold regression model showed that openness is one of the main factors having influence on Lithuanian economic growth. That is why attention should be concentrated on openness increasing. But from economical point of view of effectiveness it would be more useful for the country to increase the level of openness through export volume growth but not import.Seeking country's economic growth it should be implemented supporting export state economic policy. Lithuanian export volume could be increased using these ways and means of incentives: state should encourage companies to search for new markets; competiveness of products and services produced in Lithuania should be increased internationally; the decrease in regulations, bureaucratical obstacles, and number of changes in legal acts should occur; stabile taxes should be assured. Useful financial means should be established in Lithuania such as preferential credits for implementing export projects, financial support and cover for credits' insurance expenses. Furthermore, standards implementation should be incentive to actively expand information, consultancy and training activities for present and potential exporters. It is also necessary to diversify Lithuanian export and stimulate to export high and medium high technologies, other final consumption products and services but not raw materials. [From the publication]The objective of the article is to analyse the impact of changes towards openness in Lithuania on the economic growth of Lithuania, having analysed factors influencing the growth of small economies. Small economies are called countries with less than 6 million populations. Lithuania belongs to the group of small economies. The size of economy does not set the economic success, economic welfare, and economic growth of the country, but greater openness of small economies may compensate many shortcomings related to the small size. Statistical data analysis showed that small economies greatly differ by their economic indicators. Values of macro economic indicators of small and large economies are different too. Thus, we can maintain that the size of the economy does not critical impact on macroeconomic indicators and economic growth. Differences of those indicators largely depend on the historical development and the level of economic development. Small economies are more open to a group of countries with similar economic development. In addition, openness develops slower in large countries. In small economies, openness has greater impact on economic growth if the level of economic welfare and present openness is not high. Financial investment and openness level are indicators that have the biggest influence on the economic growth of Lithuania (GDP per capita). Thus, Lithuania should focus on the stimulation of financial investment and increasing of openness, but, from the perspective of economic efficiency, the country should increase openness through increased volumes of export rather then import. In order to ensure economic efficiency of the country, it is necessary to implement export and investment oriented economic policy.

1822-7996; 2335-8742
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2018-12-17 12:15:40
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