Naujų darbuotojų kaita : ryšys su organizacine socializacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujų darbuotojų kaita: ryšys su organizacine socializacija
Alternative Title:
Turnover among new employees: its relationship with organizational socialization
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2008, Nr. 48, p. 153-169
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPokyčiai darbo rinkoje verčia kiekvienos organizacijos vadovą ieškoti priemonių ir būdų optimizuoti turimų žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą. Savanoriškas naujų darbuotojų išėjimas iš darbo nesibaigus bandomajam laikotarpiui dažniau siejamas su geresniais konkurentų pasiūlymais nei su darbuotojo ir darbo nesuderinamumu (pastaruoju atveju dažnesnis yra darbuotojų atleidimas iš darbo). Darbuotojų išėjimas iš darbo susijęs ne tik su finansinėmis išlaidomis dėl pakartotinės paieškos, atrankos, mokymais, bet ir su dideliais žmogiškųjų išteklių praradimais individo (pvz., žinios, patirtis), grupės (pvz., grupės sutelktumas, socializacija) ir organizacijos (pvz., darbo našumas) lygmenyse. Straipsnyje pristatomi rezultatai . tik dalis duomenų, gautų atliekant tyrimus įvairiose Lietuvos organizacijose 2006. 2007 metais. Tyrimu siekiama įvertinti ketinimo palikti organizaciją ir darbuotojų socializacijos rodiklių sąsajas. Daroma išvada, kad. darbuotojų sprendimą išeiti iš darbo lemia paties darbuotojo, atliekamo darbo ir organizacijos charakteristikos, o darbo organizacijoje trukmę galima prognozuoti jau darbuotojų atrankos metu; darbuotojų socializacija yra svarbus veiksnys, apsisprendžiant, ar palikti organizaciją, todėl vadovai turėtų dėti visas pastangas naujo darbuotojo patiriamo netikrumo ir nerimo mažinimui bei ryšių su organizacija ir jos nariais stiprinimui.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nauji darbuotojai; Organizacinė socializacija; Ketinimas palikti organizaciją; New employees; Organizational socialization; Organizational turnover intentions.

EN[...]The aim of the paper is to analyze how new employees' turnover intentions and real turnover behaviour are related with organizational socialization. 85 participants filled out the questionnaires at the end of the 1st month, 73 of them participated in the repeated study at the end of the 3rd month within the organization. They were asked to evaluate their knowledge about the organization, the amount of experienced work related anxiety, their attitudes towards the organization they work in and towards their job, and the position in newcomer-seniority continuum (a feeling of being a real member of the organization). Additionally, the participants were asked about their plans: how long they would want to stay in the current organization. The results showed high turnover intention rates among new employees: every seventh newcomer, who filled the questionnaires at the end of 1st month, intended to work less than one year in the current organization. Turnover intention is a strong predictor of actual departure from the organization: 40 per cent of employees who intended to work less than a year, left the organization by the end of a probationary period (3rd month). Turnover intentions are changeable: every tenth employee, who during the first survey (the end of the 1st month at work) planned to work in the current organization more than one year, changed their mind and left the organization till the second survey at the end of the 3rd month. [...]In conclusion, monitoring of newcomers' socialization may provide useful information about employee turnover intentions, nevertheless other indirect ways predicting employee turnover should also be considered. [From the publication]Changes in labour market make managers of every organisation to look for the ways and methods of managing human resources. Voluntary quitting before the end of trail period in most cases is associates with better proposals of the competitors that the inconsistence between the job and the employee (in latter case, employees are dismissed). Quitting is related not only financial expenditures due to repeated search, selection, and training of employees, but also with a large loss of human resources in individual (e. g. knowledge, experience), group (e. g. group concentration, socialisation), and organisation (e. g. job efficiency) levels. The results delivered in the article represent only one part of data obtained during surveys conducted in Lithuanian organisations in 2006-2007. The research aims to evaluate the relations between employee intensions to leave the organisation and employee socialisation indicators. The author concludes that employee decision to quit the job depends on characteristics of the employee, the job performed, and the organisation. The duration of working for the organisation might be foreseen already during the employee selection process. Employee socialisation is important factor when taking decision on quitting the job, thus managers should put all efforts in order to minimise uncertainty and stress experienced by a new employee, and strengthen his/her relationship with organisation and its members.

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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