Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo paslaugos informacinėje visuomenėje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo paslaugos informacinėje visuomenėje
Alternative Title:
Services of higher education in Lithuania in information society
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2008, Nr. 48, p. 55-70
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijų teikiamos paslaugos artėja prie europietiškų standartų ir remiasi nuolat tobulinama įstatymine baze. Mūsų šalyje informacinės visuomenės sąlygomis, didėja išsilavinimo/išsimokslinimo ir kompetencijos reikšmė, todėl auga aukštojo mokslo svarba. Išryškėja viešųjų aukštojo mokslo teikiamų paslaugų svarba įgyvendinant aukštajam mokslui iškeltus uždavinius, pabrėžiant aukštųjų mokyklų absolventų kompetencijos atitikimą visuomenės ir darbo rinkos poreikiams, kadangi kokybiškas aukštasis išsimokslinimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių ekonomikos vystimosi veiksnių rinkos sąlygomis. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos tik viešosios aukštosios mokyklos teikiamos paslaugos kaip žinių ir gebėjimų perdavimas, apimantis teikiamų paslaugų paketą (pagrindines, papildomas ir mišrias paslaugas) ir aukštosios mokyklos atliekamas funkcijas (tiesiogines ir netiesiogines). Remiantis įvairiais klasifikavimo kriterijais sugrupuotos ir apibendrintos aukštojo mokslo teikiamos viešosios paslaugos, pateikta jų struktūra bei parodytas jų ryšys su aukštosios mokyklos vykdomomis funkcijomis. Atlikto empirinio tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad respondentų nuomone, aukštoji mokykla iš esmės atlieka savo tiesiogines funkcijas ir teikia pagrindines paslaugas. Respondentai nepakankamai įvertino KTU ir VDU taikomą aukštojo mokslo proceso organizavimo lankstumą (galimybę studijuoti pagal pasirenkamą darbo grafiką, modulių pasirinkimo galimybę, neformalų bendravimą su dėstytojais, galimybę įtakoti mokymo/ mokymosi proceso organizavimą,).

ENResearch and success of recent economic of many countries suggest strong links between higher education and knowledge and productivity, competitiveness and economic growth. The future of the European Union members states (EU-27), including Lithuania, depends on education, including higher education. The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) involves all members of the EU and offers the solution to the two currently relevant and interrelated problems in Lithuania: first, preparation of students for labour market, second, furthering their competence building. The aim of this article is to examine higher education services in the context of information society. The aim of the research is to determine the higher education services and their relation with the functions of higher education on theoretical and practical levels, based on the exploratory structurized questionnaire. The object of the article is services of higher education in the context of information society. Higher education is more and more becoming the supplier of public services. The services of public higher education are supplied by few directions, although this article analyzes only the public higher education as knowledge and abilities passing that includes a packet of services (main, interdependent and mixed) and the functions of higher institution. Seeking for the main aim in the following questions and investigations has been developed: an analysis of services of higher education; the identi- fication of functions of higher education institution and to show its relation with the higher education services.Research methods, that are applied, are the based on the synthesis of official European Community publications, scientific literature and systematic statistical data analysis as well as identification of main higher education services and higher education institution functions dimensions using questionnaire. An exploratory structurized questionnaire is used in the research. The questions are used of dichotomic, closed and open type, the evaluation and ranging scales are used, seeking from respondents - the students of different study levels (first and second study levels) in Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in 2001 - to get more correct evaluations about higher education services and their relation with higher education institution functions. When enlarging information society and rendering the services of higher education it is important to identify the satisfaction by services and the functions committed by higher institutions. The research shows that the information society gives many opportunities for study processes in virtual area, both for the students (study books and manuscripts of books in virtual area; command course works, etc), and for lecturers and their partnership networks (partial course exams, exams, etc). According to the respondents view, the higher institution in essence performs its functions and supplies the main services of higher education. [From the publication]Services delivered by of higher education institutions of Lithuania become closer to European standards and are based on constantly improved legal base. In informational society environment of our country, the importance of education and competence increases, thus making increase the important of higher education. Public services delivered by higher education institutions play particular role in performing educational tasks, and highlight the correspondence of competencies possessed by graduators from higher education institutions with public and labour market needs, since high quality of higher education is one of the most important factors to economical development in market economy conditions. The article analyses public services delivered by higher education schools only, such as transfer of knowledge and skills in a package of services delivered (main, auxiliary, and mixed services) and functions performed by higher education institutions (direct and indirect). On the basis of various classification criteria, the author grouped and generalised public services delivered by higher education institutions; presented their structure; and showed their relationship with functions performed by higher education institution. The results of empirical research indicate that, in the opinion of respondents, higher education institution essentially performs its direct functions and delivers the main services. The respondents insufficiently evaluated higher education flexibility (possibilities of choosing study schedule and modules, informal communication with teachers, possibility of influencing the organisation of teaching/learning process) at KTU and VMU.

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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