Kai kurių Lietuvos Respublikos operatyvinės veiklos įstatyme įtvirtintų sąvokų interpretavimo problemos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kai kurių Lietuvos Respublikos operatyvinės veiklos įstatyme įtvirtintų sąvokų interpretavimo problemos
Alternative Title:
Problems of interpreting some of the concepts passed in law on operational activities of the Republic of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2007, Nr. 2 (92), p. 18-27
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos kai kurių Lietuvos Respublikos operatyvinės veiklos įstatyme įtvirtintų sąvokų interpretavimo problemos. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas slapto bendradarbiavimo operatyvinėje veikloje sampratos problemai. Apžvelgiamos skirtinguose šaltiniuose, teisės aktuose įtvirtintos praktikų bei mokslininkų vartojamos sąvokos, reikšmingos slapto bendradarbiavimo operatyvinei veiklai, operatyvinės veiklos instituto analizei. Stengiamasi įžvelgti, išskirti bei akcentuoti pagrindinius slapto bendradarbiavimo operatyvinėje veikloje požymius, leidžiančius atskleisti šio instituto esmę bei turinį. Be to, straipsnyje analizuojama užsienio valstybių slaptųjų bendradarbių pasitelkimo patirtis. Tyrimų metu, įsigilinus į slapto bendradarbiavimo operatyvinėje veikloje esmę bei turinį, paaiškėjo, kad nors slaptas bendradarbiavimas yra teisinė kategorija, tačiau tai nėra vien mechaniška veikla ar procesas, priklausantis tik nuo jo organizavimo kokybės arba teisės normų keliamų reikalavimų. Bendradarbiauja konkretūs žmonės, turintys savo patirtį, žinias, nuostatas, įsitikinimus, todėl slaptas bendradarbiavimas operatyvinėje veikloje, kai lemiama reikšmė tenka žmogiškajam faktoriui, turi būti nagrinėjamas ne tik iš pozityviosios teisės pozicijų. Žmogiškojo faktoriaus slaptai bendradarbiaujant studija turėtų būti prioritetinė tolesnių tyrinėjimų kryptis nagrinėjant visus klausimus, susijusius su slaptu bendradarbiavimu operatyvinėje veikloje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Operatyvinė veikla; Slaptieji operatyvinės veiklos dalyviai; Operatyvinis darbuotojas; Operatyvinės; Veiklos slaptasis bendradarbis; Operational activities; Covert participants of; Staff member of entities of operational; Activities; Covert cooperator of operational activities.

ENThe problems of interpreting some of the concepts of operational activities are analyzed in this article. The author of this article passed concepts in the review, which have been used in acts of law, sources of literature, speeches of scientists and practitioners as important issues for analyzing covert cooperation in operational activities. All the issues of covert cooperation of operational activities in Lithuania were not public nature for ages. Lawyers and scientists have been reluctant to discuss the informer system, leaving it an unsearchable area. This social phenomenon isn't unique and existing in all the countries of the world. This article in Lithuania is the first step of deeper researches in this area. The author tried to distinguish and notice main features of covert cooperation in operational activities. The emphasis of this article was given on describing essence and contempt of covert cooperation as a social phenomenon. Few of the most important units of this cooperation viewed through their roles and assumptions. The purpose of this article is to define covert cooperation in operational activities. This conception is important for the practitioners involved in law enforcement or, indeed, the criminal justice system. During the research it became clear that giving conception of covert cooperation in operational activities through additional features could twist the sense. The author claimed age, position of informant as additional features of covert cooperation in operational activities. The author has claimed that additional features of covert cooperation of operational activities are very important for juridical estimate.The study also showed that covert cooperation of operational activities in Lithuania has been understood as juridical term. The main elements of this activity are the handler and the informer. A lot of crimes are cleared up by the investigators involve the use of the informers. The handler has to know where he can find informers and how to handle them in the proper way. Informers can be various individuals, who can help to implement different tasks of operational activities voluntarily. They frequently have different motivations for covert cooperation and they usually provide information for some reward, not necessarily financial. Though cooperation in broad sense is joint or collaborative behavior that is directed toward some goal and in where there is common interest or hope of reward. The real goal of informant cooperation rarely is the implementation of the tasks of operational activities. Despite the facts, the author also claimed that Lithuanian legislation supporting and regulating covert cooperation of operational activities isn't only activity or process by rule. The individuals who have their own experience, knowledge, attitudes, principles and etc. participate in this covert cooperation. This shows the importance of human factor as a priority direction in further studies of this social phenomenon. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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2025-02-28 13:44:16
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