Inteligentija : jos samprata, raida ir ugdymas Stasio Šalkauskio koncepcijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Inteligentija: jos samprata, raida ir ugdymas Stasio Šalkauskio koncepcijoje
Alternative Title:
Intelligentsia: its concept, development and education in conception of Stasys Šalkauskis
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2008, t. 20, p. 9-21
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos ir išskiriamos dažnai painiojamos intelektualo, inteligento ir inteligentijos sąvokos remiantis Stasio Šalkauskio darbais. Parodytas Lietuvos inteligentų vaidmuo siekiant tautinio ir valstybinio atgimimo įvairiais mūsų istorijos laikotarpiais. Apžvelgti inteligentijos ugdymo metodai Šalkauskio pedagogikoje. Pažymėtas intelektualų ir inteligentų susiskaldymas ir jo neigiamas poveikis visuomenės, tautos ir valstybės raidai, nulėmęs visuomenės, tautos ir valstybės krizę. Tik naujos, sąmoningos, veiklios inteligentijos susikūrimas ir jos pozityvių vertybinių orientacijų perėmimas visuomenėje leistų padėti iš šios krizės išeiti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Intelektualas; Inteligentija; Ugdymas.; Intellectual; Intelligentsia; Education.

ENThe concepts of intellectuals and intelligentsia were defined and analysed in terms of educational ideas of Stasys Šalkauskis. Such analysis is actual because named concepts often are confused. In contemporary literature „inteligentas“ and „intelektualas“ are considered as identical concepts. After definitions and analysis by S. Šalkauskis of those concepts were proved that they are essentially different accordingly to the difference between concepts of an intelligent person and an intellectual person. Although in English both concepts are named with the same word „intellectual“.the community of intellectuals which satisfy the criterions of intelligentsia defined by S. Šalkauskis compose intelligentsia which have a dominant and positive role in cultural and social processes in society, nation and state. The role of intelligentsia in Lithuania in different periods of Lithuanian history were viewed. It is shown that intelligents and intellectuals are not in consolidation but rather are divided in different groups which are of different world oulook and often are in state of mutual noncomunication and involved in severe conflicts. The result of such a situation is social, cultural and political chaos which create danger for identity of Lithuanian nation its culture and independence of the Llithuanian state. The progress in this unhappy situation is possible only if the new young positive and active intelligentsia in accordance with the concept of Šalkauskis can be created. [From the publication]

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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Stasio Šalkauskio pilnutinio ugdymo sistema ir dabartis / Julius Šalkauskas. Tiltai. Priedas. 2008, Nr. 38, p. 66-79.
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