Netektį šeimoje patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių statusas klasėje kaip jų socializacijos veiksnys

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Netektį šeimoje patyrusių pradinių klasių mokinių statusas klasėje kaip jų socializacijos veiksnys
Alternative Title:
Grieving primary school children’s status as the factor of their socialization
In the Journal:
Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. 2006, t. 17, p. 122-131
Summary / Abstract:

LTGrupė yra vienas iš pagrindinių vaiko socializacijos kintamųjų, kurio neatsiejami elementai - žmonės ir jų socialinė padėtis, tarpusavio bendravimas, turimas statusas, atliekami vaidmenys ir kt., vienaip ar kitaip veikia socializaciją vaikystėje. Pradinės mokyklos amžiaus vaikų vienas svarbiausių uždavinių yra tapti bendraamžių grupės nariu. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas pradinių klasių mokinių, patyrusių netektį šeimoje (tėvų skyrybas, jų nedarbą ir išvykimą dirbti svetur, vieno iš jų mirtį, senelių mirtį), statusas klasėje. Tyrime taikytas sociometrinis testas ir požiūrio į savo statusą klasėje aprašas. Tyrimas atliktas 2003 m. spalio -2004 m. vasario mėnesiais. Apklausti Šiaulių miesto mokyklų I-IV klasių 263 mokiniai, iš kurių 94 mergaitės ir 103 berniukai nurodė išgyvenantys įvairias artimųjų netektis šeimoje. Nustatyta, kad patirta netektis šeimoje nebūtinai turi vien neigiamą įtaką šių tiriamųjų statusui klasėje. Rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad netektį patyrusių, tiek jos nepatyrusių berniukų ir mergaičių statusas klasėje yra skirtingas. Daugelis tirtų pradinių klasių mokinių nurodė palankų požiūrį į savo statusą klasėje, nes jaučiasi mėgstami savo bendraklasių. Tačiau tėvų nedarbą arba jų išvykimą dirbti svetur, jų skyrybas bei vieno iš jų mirtį patyrę vaikai į savo statusą žiūri kiek nepalankiau nei netekties šeimoje nepatyrę bendraklasiai, nes nesijaučia mėgstami klasės vaikų. Būtent vaiko požiūris į savo statusą ir tai, koks jo tikrasis statusas klasėje, turi didelę įtaką šio amžiaus vaikų (ypač šeimoje patyrusių netektį) socializacijai.

ENWithin this paper the primary school grieving children's status in the classroom is discussed, and revealed. It is important to stress that the experienced losses in the family for those students are mainly divorce, parents' unemployment, and death of the parent or grandparent. On the basis of empirical data the children's status and their view to it are compared. Scilicet children's view into their status and the real status' fact in the classroom are main factors for those students' socialization: it was stated that there are more grieving children with lower status in the classroom than those who have not experienced any loss in the family. Although it depends on what kind of activity was chosen to do with these students, e.g. Children, who have experienced loss in the family, sometimes have a higher status than their classmates, because of their compassion, openness etc. The differences between genders were found as well, i.e. both grieving and non-grieving boys have shown their lower status than the girls of the same age. The other important reveal in this research is this, that most of the children have had pointed their positive view to the status in the classroom and feel comfortable about it. However, children who have experienced parents' unemployment, divorce, and the death of a loved one, receive their status more negative than the others, and also feel uncomfortable about it. All that shows that experienced losses in the family in some ways have much negative influence for those students' status, and, as the consequence of this, it obviously refers to the negative view to the status. As the matter of fact, it aggravates such children's socialization in regard to value internalization, and self-identification with whom. [From the publication]A group is one of the main variables of a child’s socialization, the integral elements of which, i. e. people and their social status, communication between people, their roles, etc., in one way or another influence the socialization in childhood. One of the most important tasks for children of the primary school age is to become a member of a peer group. The article examines the status of pupils of primary forms, who have experienced a loss in the family (divorce, unemployment of leaving of parents to work abroad, death of a parent or a grandparent) among their peers. The study employed a sociometric test and the description of the view of one’s status among his/her peers. The study has been performed during the time period of October 2003 – February 2004. 263 pupils of the 1st – 4th forms of the schools of Šiauliai were surveyed, out of which 94 girls and 103 boys stated that they experienced different losses of close persons in the family. It was established that the experienced loss in the family not necessarily had a negative impact on the status of the studied persons among their peers at school. The results allow for stating that the status of girls and boys, who have and have not experienced a loss among their peers at school is different. Most of the studied primary school pupils indicated the positive view of their status among their peers, since they feel liked by their classmates. However the children, who have experienced their parents’ unemployment or their leaving to work abroad, the parents’ divorce or death of one of the parents view their status to a certain extent more negatively than their classmates, who have not experienced any such loss, since they do not feel liked by other children. A child’s view of his/her status among his/her peers has a big influence on the socialization of the children of the age (especially in the case of children, who experienced a loss in the family).

1392-5016; 1648-665X
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