LTStraipsnio objektas - metodologinė sintetinio kalbų mokymosi modelio kultūrinė dimensija. Glaustai apžvelgiami kiti modeliai, susiję su vienos kurios nors šalies kultūros ugdymu, pagrindžiamas poreikis mokant Lm, L1, L2 kalbų siekti išvengti atskirų šalių kultūrų maišymosi individo psichikoje. Atskleidžiama metodologinio kalbų mokymosi modelio paskirtis: užtikrinti grynąją daugiakalbystę, kurios neatskiriamas komponentas - atitinkamos šalies kultūrinė dimensija. Straipsnyje pagrindžiamos atskirų šalių kultūros ištakos, nurodomos sritys, aktualios grynosios daugiakalbystės formavimui, pateikiami pavyzdžiai, apibendrinamosios išvados ir rekomendacijos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kalbų ugdymo modeliai; Svetimosios kalbos ugdymas; Daugiakalbystė.
ENThe object of the article - methodological cultural dimension of language learning. There are briefly observed other models as well (acculturation, nativization, denativization) which are related to a countrys strategy and tactics of the cultural development. On the basis of the research there are revealed relations of the culture and language indicated the main areas: spiritual culture: literature, music, art, architecture, etc.; a countrys realia: habits, traditions, folk songs, humour, etc.; a countrys geography, history; material civilization; culture-bound language phenomena (specific lexis, etc.). The article reveals the purpose of the methodological theoretical model of language learning: to ensure pure multiligualism in the process of implementation. It also deals with the differentiated interaction of cultures of the countries speaking Lm, L1, L2 languages taking place in a persons psyche. The article highlights the interaction of mother and foreign countries cultures, there are given examples. At the end of the article there are enumerated some burning issues: 1) the development of system of original textbooks for each foreign language with the reference not only to the linguistic but to the cultural dimension as well; 2) the improved language teachers training; their retraining; 3) the expanded research of the cultural dimension; 4) the expanded metacognitive research of autonomous language learning, as the process of language learning is superindividual. [From the publication]