LTStraipsnyje aptariama Bergsono santykis su mistikų kūryba. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama vėlyvajam Bergsono kūrybinės veiklos laikotarpiui, kuriame atsiskleidžia, kad mistikai jo filosofijoje užėmė savitą vietą. Apmąstoma, kokios priežastys paskatino filosofą domėtis mistikų patirtimi, bandoma nusakyti į kokius horizontus gali nusidriekti jo pradėta plėtoti problematika. Aiškinamasi, kaip kyla Bergsono susidomėjimas mistikais ir kokia jų įtaka filosofo kūrybai, trumpai aptariami klausimai, kuriuos, kaip manome, Bergsonui iškėlė mistikai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Henri Bergsonas (Henri Bergson); Mistika; Religija; Intuicija; Gyvybës polëkis; Henri Bergson; Mystic; Religion; Intuition; Vital élan.
ENThe purpose of this article is to show the importance of the reading of the mystic by Bergson as it is explained in his work Both sources of the morality and the religion, by putting to the test the coherence of his thought on this point and by indicating a new direction of interpretation. The first part of the article presents the conception of Bergson and shows how the subject of the mystic appears late - but not in an artificial manner - in his whole thought, seeing in the mystics, and in particular Christian mystics, the final expression of the vital élan. It is by the mystic that it becomes possible to think of morality and of religion according to his philosophical perspective. This effort, however, raises difficulties in detail when we try to analyze in depth the testimony of the mystics because certain aspects of the bergsonian metaphysics does not correspond well with their experience, as described by them. This idea is developed through the example of the mystic's meditation on the nothingness of the creature, which leads to a questioning of certain central ideas of Bergson, but can be also understood as a continuation of his thought. [From the publication]