Lietuvos einamosios sąskaitos deficito priimtinumo vertinimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos einamosios sąskaitos deficito priimtinumo vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Assessment of current account sustainability in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Pinigų studijos. 2005, Nr. 4, p. 45-58
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje, atsižvelgiant į Lietuvos einamosios sąskaitos deficito (ESD) kitimą pastarąjį dešimtmetį, mėginama įvertinti jo priimtinumą. Tai atliekama, nagrinėjant tarplaikiniu optimizavimu pagrįstos ESD teorijos ir realiosios konvergencijos teorijos pagrindinius teiginius, bendrosios skolos užsieniui ir kai kurių kitų makroekonominių rodiklių, rodančių šalies galimybes tvarkyti skolą ateityje, kitimą. Daroma išvada, kad didelis Lietuvos ESD yra natūrali realiosios konvergencijos pasekmė, todėl jis yra priimtinas. Tokiomis sąlygomis Lietuvos skola nėra per didelė, o galimybės ją tvarkyti ir vykdyti finansinius įsipareigojimus yra palankios. Kita vertus, visada esama tam tikrų veiksnių (pvz., Lietuvoje jie daugiausia sietini su šalies ekonomikos veikėjų kredito rizika), kurie gali pakeisti užsienio šalių investuotojų nusiteikimą skolinti ir investuoti, taip finansuojant ESD. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Einamoji sąskaita; Deficitas; Priimtinumas; Užsienio skola; Current account; Deficit; Sustainability; Foreign debt; Einamoji sąskaita; Bendroji skola užsieniui; Current account; Gross foreign debt.

ENDue to the active pastoral work of the Jesuits, Vilnius was known for its Corpus Christi processions already in the 17th c. These processions were not limited to crosses, flags, and little altars carried by a crowd of clergy and laymen. An distinguishable part of them were the live paintings carried through the city's streets in carriages or by pedestrians. And although later the tradition of the live pamtings disappeared, still in the 19th c. the solemn Corpus Christi procession is mentioned among the most important feast days celebrated in the Vilnius Cathedral. The restrictions on the preparation of church processions, begun in the middle of the century, ended in 1905. Based on press accounts in the early 20th c, the article presents the first Corpus Christi procession held in Vilnius after a forty year interval. The article is illustrated by photographs of Jan Hermanowicz and Wladyslaw Hryniewicz. The first procession in the streets of Vilnius was scheduled for June 1, 1905. The whole route along which it was to occur was decorated with leaves, flowers, carpets, and multi-colored ribbons. In several places garlands of oak leaves and signs were hung over the entire street. Unfortunately, due to poor weather the procession was postponed to Sunday, i.e. to June 4. Exactly at noon, with bells ringing the procession began. Children from the schools and nurseries of Vilnius went first, followed by the guilds with their flags and church society members carrying small altars and flags, subsequently - the clergy. Behind them - a vast multitude of people.This whole procession was arranged and directed by specially assigned persons - marshals. On this occasion, four altars were especially prepared. The first by a portico on the side of the Cathedral. The second station was by St. Johns' Church. Later the procession went along Domininkonų Street and diverting a little to the side stopped by St. Catherine's Church. Then, it went down Vilnius Street toward St. George's Church, where the last station was prepared. From here along St. George (now Gediminas) Prospect the procession returned to Cathedral Square, where the bishop gave his blessing. Judging from the articles in the press, both the first (1906) and later year festivals were carried out in a similar manner. Neither the route of the procession nor the places of the stations changed. The day of the procession was transferred from Thursday to Sunday from 1908. Thus, except for the live paintings, the tradition of which, apparently, disappeared along with man's symbolical, emblematic minking, the Corpus Christi processions in Vilnius from the 17th to the juncture of the 19th and 20th c. did not change much. The restrictions and prohibitions of the ceremonies in the 19t h c. did not have any major effect on the tradition, and the changes occurred later, already in the 20th c. [From the publication]

1392-2637; 1648-8970
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