Kriminalistinė informacija kaip nusikaltimų profilaktikos instrumentas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kriminalistinė informacija kaip nusikaltimų profilaktikos instrumentas
Alternative Title:
Criminalistic information as the instrument of crime prophylaxis
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2008, Nr. 4 (106), p. 81-87
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiandien kriminalistikos mokslo tyrinėjimo objektas neapsiriboja vien tik kriminalistinių techninių priemonių, metodų ir rekomendacijų kūrimu ir jų pritaikymu nusikalstamos veikos tyrimo procese. Kriminalistiniu požiūriu svarbus yra nusikalstamos veikos genezės procesas, kurio metu išryškėja aplinkybės, veiksniai, nulėmę, skatinę nusikalstamos veikos įvykdymą. Besikeičiantis kriminalistikos mokslo prigimties suvokimas, keičia ir kriminalistinės informacijos sampratą, kuri savo turiniu turi atitikti kriminalistikos mokslo turinį ir objektą. Kriminalistinė informacija apibūdina nusikalstamo įvykio aplinkybes, jų mechanizmą ir atskirus nusikaltimo padarymo dėsningumus. Prie nusikalstamo įvykio aplinkybių priskirtinos ir aplinkybės nulėmusios nusikalstamos veikos įvykdymą, todėl kriminalistinė informacija apibūdina ir pastarąsias. Kriminalistinė informacija apie priežastis nulėmusias nusikalstamos veikos įvykdymą gali būti gaunama iš įvairių šaltinių tiek procesinėmis, tiek neprocesinėmis formomis. Prie procesine forma gautos informacijos priskiriama ir informacija, gauta atliekant ikiteisminio tyrimo veiksmus. Pateiktame straipsnyje analizuojami 2006 metais atliktos ikiteisminio tyrimo pareigūnų apklausos rezultatai, kurios metu buvo įvertinta Lietuvoje susiklosčiusi ikiteisminio tyrimo praktika, atskirų ikiteisminio tyrimo veiksmų atlikimo metu gaunant kriminalistinę informaciją apie priežastis ir sąlygas, nulėmusias nusikalstamos veikos įvykdymą. Tyrime dalyvavo 399 respondentai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kriminalistinė informacija; Ikiteisminis tyrimas; Criminalistic information; Pre-trial investigation.

ENOne of the most important trends of state development is the improvement and optimization of crime investigation work. Criminalistics, the science the main task of which is the preparation and implementation of crime investigation, detection and prevention methods and measures, plays an important role in the realization of such objectives. Criminalistic science is developing constantly, opportunities of criminalistics are increasing and the most perfect and effectual scientific technologies are penetrating the crime investigation field. Nowadays the object of criminalistic research is not limited only by the development of technical measures, methods and recommendations and their implementation in the process of crime investigation. The process of criminal act’s genesis is important in the criminalistic point of view. During the process the circumstances and factors weighted and the commitment a crime are shown. Since 1 May 2003 the new Criminal Procedure Code of Lithuania has been in force. It raised quite a lot of theoretical and methodological tasks for criminalistic science. It is necessary to solve the issues of theoretical and practical backgrounds of criminalistic prophylactic task, because there are no direct prophylactic juridical norms in the new Criminal Procedure Code. So, further formulated methodological backgrounds of criminalistic information should be specified. Developing the perception of the nature of criminalistic science both changes definition of criminalistic information, which context should fit the object and context of criminalistic science. Criminalistic information describes the circumstances of a criminal act, its mechanism and separate regularities of crime commitment.Criminalistic information describes both circumstances weighted crime commitment because such circumstances are the circumstances of a criminal event. Criminalistic information regarding the circumstances weighted crime commitment could be received from different sources both in procedural and non-procedural forms. Information, received during the implementation of pretrial investigation activities, is the information received in a procedural form. Research reveals the opportunities of pretrial investigation for reception of criminalistic information, which is important for crime prophylaxis. The authors specify the definition of criminalistic information according to the development of the implementation of opportunities of criminalistic science. Examination is based on empirical research, which pretrial investigation activities officers carry out in order to receive the information concerning the causes and conditions and to reveal the commitment of crime. The results of the interview of pretrial investigation of- ficers, accomplished in 2005, are analysed in our study. The present pretrial investigation practice in Lithuania (practice of the accomplishment of pretrial investigation activities during which criminalistic information regarding circumstances weighted criminal event’s commitment) was evaluated during this interview. Three hundred and ninety-nine respondents took part in research. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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