Nekonkuravimo susitarimai darbo teisėje. : ar darbuotojas ir darbdavys lygiaverčiai konkurentai?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nekonkuravimo susitarimai darbo teisėje: ar darbuotojas ir darbdavys lygiaverčiai konkurentai?
Alternative Title:
Covenant not to compete in labour law: are employee and employer equal competitors?
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2008, Nr. 8 (110), p. 41-49
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvoje darbdaviai su darbuotojais sudarydami darbo sutartis vis dažniau įtraukia sąlygas dėl konkurencijos draudimo arba sudaro nekonkuravimo susitarimus, kuriais darbdavys siekia apsisaugoti nuo galimos konkurencijos, kai pasibaigus darbo sutarčiai darbuotojas dirba darbdavio konkurento įmonėje, steigia įmonę ar dalyvauja versle, konkuruojančiame su darbdavio verslu. Straipsnio tikslas -- konstitucinės žmogaus teisės laisvai pasirinkti darbą bei verslą sąlygomis kritiškai įvertinti Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo (toliau -- LAT) praktiką sprendžiant civilines bylas, susijusias su nekonkuravimo susitarimų aiškinimu, nustatyti santykių, susiklostančių sudarant ir vykdant tokius susitarimus, teisinę prigimtį, įvertinti nekonkuravimo susitarimų poveikį darbuotojui, pateikti de lege ferenda nekonkuravimo susitarimų teisinio reglamentavimo Lietuvoje siūlymus. Šiam tikslui pasiekti taikomi loginės analizės, sisteminės analizės, lingvistinis, teleologinis, lyginamasis, analitinis-kritinis ir kiti mokslinio pažinimo metodai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nekonkuravimo susitarimai; Darbo santykiai; The Convenant not to Compete; Labour Relationship.

ENIn the article the legal doctrine and the case-law, solving civil cases, related with the contract not to compete, of the Supreme Court of Lithuania (SCL), is assessed in the context of the constitutional right of each human being to choose a job or business freely. The article also discloses the legal nature of the relationship, which occurs in the process of concluding or executing of the contract not to compete, assesses the influence of such contracts for the employee. It is noted that the case-law of the SCL with respect to the legal gap of the regulation of the covenants not to compete is inconsistent. Two stages of the developing of the case-law of the SCL are distinguished. The first stage -- when it was recognised that by the covenants not to compete the social labour relations are regulated. The second stage -- when it is recognised that labour laws are not applicable for the regulation of the covenants not to compete, because civil legal relations are forming in the process of concluding or executing these contracts. It is concluded that in the course of conclusion of the contracts not to compete, which cause the restriction of the constitutional right of each human being freely to choose a job (this right is interpreted by The Constitutional Court of The Republic of Lithuania as a right of each human being to choose a job or business freely), as well as in the causes of executing of these contracts, the labour legal relations are forming. That is why, while regulating covenants not to compete, labour laws should be applied.The covenants not to compete, which cause the restriction of the constitutional right of each human being to choose a job freely, if such a restriction is not allowed by laws, is forbidden by the Constitution of The Republic of Lithuania. Such kind of restrictions can be established only by Law. Taking this into account it is proposed to supplement the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania with the rules concerning the conclusion, execution or termination of these covenants. Summing up the tendencies of the experience of the legal regulation of the contracts not to compete fixed in the laws of foreign countries, proposals de lege ferenda are presented. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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