Lithuanian studies in Australia : the case for low-demand language and cultural courses in higher education

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Lithuanian studies in Australia: the case for low-demand language and cultural courses in higher education
Publication Data:
Hobart : Tasmania University Union Lithuanian Studies Society, 2005.
xiv, 200 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
Foreword — Acknowledgements — Lithuanians in Australia — Lithuania — Lithuanian migrants in Australia — Assimilation or preserving own culture? — Contributions to Australian society — Mutual benefit — Lithuanian studies — Retaining the Lithuanian identity: Implications for Education — Introduction of the research project — Research objectives and research questions — Theoretical basis — Methodology — The scope of the study — A review of the research literature — Ethnicity and multiculturalism — The teaching of foreign languages in Australia — Demand for university courses — Curriculum construction — The obstacles to curriculum change — The higher education context of curriculum change — Australian universities: The beginnings, 1850-1914 — Australian universities, 1914-1945 — Australian universities: Rapid growth, 1945-1974 — Australian universities: Free education for all, 1974-1986 — Australian universities: User pays, 1987 — The future outlook — Case study 1: Attempts to introduce Lithuanian courses at La Trobe University — Case study 2: Lithuanian courses at Monash University — Case study 3: Lithuanian course at the Australian National University — Case study 4: Lithuanian Studies Committee in Melbourne — Case study 5: Lithuanian studies society at the University of Tasmania — Conclusions and discussion of findings — Nine factors affecting the introduction of new courses: Demand; Change agents; General structure of courses; Organisational and social climate; Timing; Lithuanian ethnic community; Academic justification: The strength of Lithuanian culture and language; National policies on migrants' languages and cultures; National policies on university funding —The value of knowledge and its preservation — Lithuania: Basic facts — Maps: Lithuania and its neighbours — Appendix 1 - Lithuanian Studies Society — Appendix 2 - Major Lithuanian research projects, 1990-2004 — Appendix 3 - L.S.S. assistance to other researchers — Appendix 4 - Lithuanian Studies Society's activities — Appendix 5 - Honours for Lithuanian voluntary community workers — The author — Bibliography — Name index — Subject index.
Recenzija leidinyje Lituanus. 2007, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 78-85
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame kūrinyje atsispindi istorinis faktas, kad lietuviai, kartu su latviais ir estais, buvo pirmieji po II Pasaulinio karo Australijos imigrantai. Nepaisant to, kad lietuviai sėkmingai integravosi į Australijos visuomenę, jie taip pat atkūrė atsineštus Lietuvos kultūros aspektus. Australijos lietuviai sukūrė milžinišką literatūros klodą, apimantį nuo poezijos iki bendruomenės gyvenimo. Tačiau ši produkcija yra lietuvių kalba, todėl nėra lengvai prieinama australams. Taigi, kūrinyje atskleidžiama Australijos lietuvių leidybinė veikla ir pastangos išsaugoti lietuvybę, parodant, kokios priemonės kintančiomis istorinėmis sąlygomis leidžia nedidelei Lietuvos išeivių grupei Australijoje išlaikyti kultūrinį identitetą ir platesnės visuomenės bei jos institutų dėmesį. Nors knyga parašyta remiantis sėkmingai apginta dr. A. P. Taškūno daktaro disertacija, ji negali būti laikoma grynai „moksline“. Pavyzdžiui, pirmajame skyriuje pateikiami asmeniniai atsiminimai, lietuvių migracijos į Australiją bei Lietuvos meno ir sporto indėlis. Atskleidžiama patirtis rodo, kad, gyvenant svetimame krašte, lietuvišką paveldą reikia išlaikyti ne tik savo gimtąja kalba tarpusavyje (tai yra tarp savo tautiečių), bet ir gyvenamojo krašto kalba. Šioje srityje Australijos lietuviai yra nuveikę nemažai, nors neretai dirbama tik pavieniui ir privačia iniciatyva. Skaitytojas, nepriklausomai nuo jo etninės kilmės, įgyja gilesnį supratimą ne tik apie lietuvių bendruomenės kovas, bet ir susiduria su gvildenamais kiekvienos etninės bendruomenės Australijoje klausimais.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvejo analizė; Aukštasis mokslas; Australija (Australia); Australijos universitetai; Kultūros kursai; Lietuvių kalbos mokymas Australijoje; Lietuvos išeiviai Australijoje; Australia Universities; Case study; Cultural course; Higher education; Lithuanian studies in Australia; Lithuanians immigrants to Australia.

ENThe book reflects the historical fact that Lithuanians together with Latvians and Estonians were the first immigrants in Australia after World War II. In spite of Lithuanians’ successful integration into the Australian society, they also restored the Lithuanian culture brought with them. Lithuanians in Australia created a huge literary legacy, ranging from poetry to community life. However, it is available only in Lithuanian, therefore it is not readily accessible to Australians. Thus, the book reveals Lithuanians’ publishing activities in Australia and their attempts to preserve their Lithuanian identity by showing what means make it possible for a small group of Lithuanian diaspora in Australia to retain their cultural identity and the attention of the broader society and its institutes under changing historical conditions. Although the book was written on the basis of a successfully defended doctoral thesis by Dr. Algimantas Patricijus Taškūnas, it cannot be considered purely “scientific”. For instance, the first chapter provides personal memories, contribution of Lithuanians’ migration to Australia to Lithuanian art and sport. The experience shared shows that while living in a foreign country Lithuanian heritage has to be preserved not only by speaking the mother tongue (with fellow countrymen), but also by speaking the language of the country of residence. Lithuanians in Australia have achieved a lot in this area, although quite often they worked individually and on a private initiative. The reader not only acquires a better understanding about the struggles of the Lithuanian community but also faces the issues tackled by every ethnical community in Australia irrespective of the reader’s ethnical background.

1862952736 (soft cover); 1862952728 (hard cover)
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