Kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimas : integralaus trimačio erdvės ir laiko tezauro modelis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimas: integralaus trimačio erdvės ir laiko tezauro modelis
Alternative Title:
Digitalization of cultural heritage: model of the integral, three-dimensional thesaurus of historical space and time
In the Journal:
Informacijos mokslai. 2004, t. 31, p. 105-123
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastaraisiais dešimtmečiais išplėtotos skaitmeninės technologijos iš esmės keičia kultūros paveldo kaupimo, saugojimo, apskaitos, tyrimo bei informacijos apie kultūros paveldą sklaidos procesus. Apibendrindami dabartinę Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo situaciją galime išskirti kelias pagrindines jos problemas. Tai nacionalinės strategijos nebuvimas; menkas institucijų bendradarbiavimo lygmuo; menkas standartizavimo lygmuo; teorinių darbų kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo tema nebuvimas. Galime prognozuoti, kad anksčiau ar vėliau lietuviškos skaitmeninės kultūros paveldo informacijos sistemos susidurs su vartojimo efektyvumo problema. Todėl labai svarbu kurti visam Lietuvos kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimui bendrus teorinius pagrindus, iš jų vienas svarbiausių – vieningos erdvės ir laiko skaitmeninimo sistemos. Kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo modelių tema Lietuvoje nenagrinėta. Šio straipsnio objektas yra kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimui naudojami istorinės geografijos ir istorinės chronologijos modeliai. Straipsnio tikslas – istorinės chronologijos bei istorinės geografijos duomenų pateikimo jau egzistuojančiose kitose kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo sistemose modelių ir būdų analizė ir bene pirmojo Lietuvoje lietuviškų kultūros paveldo skaitmeninimo sistemų erdvės ir laiko pateikimo tezauro (standarto) modelio pristatymas ir pagrindimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kultūros paveldas; Lietuvos kultūros paveldas; Paveldo išsaugojimas; Skaitmeninimas; Skaitmeninimo modeliai; Skaitmeninimo technologijos; Skaitmenininmas; Cultural heritage; Cultural heritage in Lithuania; Digital technologies; Digitalization; Digitization; Digitization models; Heritage preservation.

ENDigital technologies developed during the last decades substantially change the processes of accumulation, custody, record and investigation of cultural heritage as well as the processes of spread of information on cultural heritage. In generalization of current situation of digitalization of Lithuanian cultural heritage we can single out its several basic features. They are: a) great willingness of the most institutions to digitalize the data they have; b) financial problems of digitalization; c) absence of national strategy; d) low level of inter-institutional collaboration; e) low level of standardization. Taking into account the last three features of current situation we can forecast that sooner or later. Lithuanian digital information systems of cultural heritage will be confronted with the problem of usage efficiency. Perhaps the most important parameters characterizing cultural heritage are historical space and historical time. But we do not have any wider systems of presentation and classification of historical space and time designed for digitalization of cultural heritage in Lithuania. Object of this article is the models of historical geography and historical chronology applied in digitalization of cultural heritage. Aim of the article is presentation and substantiation of the model of space and time thesaurus (standard) of Lithuanian systems of digitalization of cultural heritage. Aim of the article is presentation and substantiation of the model of space and time thesaurus (standard) of Lithuanian systems of digitalization of cultural heritage.The basic aims of such thesaurus should be the following: 1. Creation of a universal method of presentation of historical space and time in digital environment. 2. Consolidation of general scheme (standard) of periodization and historical geography (to make the end of disputes among the specialists on this subject). 3. Standardization of space and time presentation in digital environment. 4. Organization of management of digital information of cultural heritage. 5. Geographical and chronological classification of the objects of cultural heritage. 6. Integration of all historical geographical data in single system that becomes a form of digital cultural heritage. 7. Digitalization of the data of different objects of cultural heritage in single and integral form. 8. Analysis and dating of information of the objects of cultural heritage. 9. Creation of schemes of cultural development. In fact, Lithuanian thesaurus of historical space and time would be a three-dimensional system of axes where horizontal axes X and Y would be an expression of geographical latitude and longitude in degrees, and the vertical axis Z would be meant for time. Each object of cultural heritage would be expressed through space, time and relation between space and time. Depending on the relation of the object with place and time, in this system of axes it would look like a point (changed neither in space nor in time), segment (changed only in space or in time) or curve (changed in space as well as in time). An integral thesaurus of historical space and time would be a standard of digitalization of cultural heritage as well as a model of computer studies of information on cultural heritage and a digitalized value of cultural heritage. [From the publication]

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