Agrosocialinių mokslų ir studijų raida Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Agrosocialinių mokslų ir studijų raida Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Development of agro-social sciences and studies in Lithuania
2-oji laida
Publication Data:
Kaunas-Akademija [i.e. Kaunas] : Judex, 2007.
535 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje siekiama pateikti apibendrintą agrosocialinių idėjų ir agrarinės politikos rezultatų raidos Lietuvoje panoramą, išryškinti mokslo ir studijų institucijų (pirmiausia ŽŪA - LŽŪA - LŽŪU, LŽŪEMTI - LAEI) reikšmę skleidžiant šias idėjas, organizuojant agrosocialinių mokslų tyrimus bei aukštąsias studijas. Kadangi monografijos apimtis ribota, plačiau apsistota tik prie agrarinės ekonomikos ir politikos aspektų: formavimosi, įgyvendinimo ir sklaidos. Analizuojama šios krypties specialistų rengimo Lietuvoje raida. Knygoje pateikta kai kurių mokslininkų ir agrarinės politikos formuotojų (prof. P. Šalčiaus, doc. J. Aleksos) veiklos analizė, kitų ne mažiau Lietuvos agrosocialinių mokslų plėtrai nusipelniusių asmenų (profesorių F. Kemėšio, V. Gaigalaičio, J. Krikščiūno, V. Mališausko, B. Poškaus; docentų: P. V. Raulinaičio, V. Manelio, K. Jasiūno ir kt.) pateikiami tik veiklos apmatai, kurie turėtų skatinti kitus tyrėjus skirti daugiau dėmesio jų mokslinei kūrybai, pedagoginei veiklai analizuoti. Apskritai knygoje siekiama plačiau išanalizuoti ir aprašyti asmenų ir institucijų veiklą, kuri visuomenei mažiausiai žinoma. Manome, kad ši studija paskatins tyrėjus plačiau analizuoti ir kitų agrosocialinių mokslų (ypač vadybos žemės ūkyje) raidos Lietuvoje raiškas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Agrosocialiniai mokslai Lietuvoje; Agrarinio sektoriaus vystymasis; Agro-social sciences in Lithuania; The evaluation of the agricultural sector.

ENThe decision to tackle this book topic was determined by the need to explore and explain juvenile justice reform problems in Lithuania. Over the last decade state institutions have given more attention to the problems of juvenile delinquency, as evidenced by an increase in programmes, concepts, strategies, studies and new laws, as well as certain institutional changes in this field. Yet, the implementation of juvenile justice reform has been neither consistent nor smooth. Due to various obstacles, most of a financial nature, measures aimed at improving conditions for juveniles who become involved in the criminal justice system have only been partially implemented. It is in this context, that we raise the question - is the current criminal justice system sufficient to resolve the problem of delinquency. Modern theories on delinquency provide guidelines for criminal justice policy to tackle the problem of delinquency. Therefore it is important to analyse how methods for tackling the problem of delinquency, as proposed by the scientists, are reflected in juvenile justice programmes currently implemented in Lithuania. To date there has been no exhaustive complex analysis of juvenile justice in Lithuania, covering criminological, psychological, sociological, juridical and managerial aspects. This book analyses and evaluates the juvenile justice system in Lithuania by referring to the analysis of modern delinquency theories and juvenile justice programmes under implementation in Lithuania, and by using the results of sociological surveys carried out by the author in 1998-2006. This is an interdisciplinary book combining sociology and criminal justice.The juvenile justice system in Lithuania is analysed in a broader context that includes the opinions of Lithuanian residents regarding juvenile delinquents and juvenile criminal justice, as well as the experience of criminal justice officers (police officers, prosecutors, judges, officers of imprisonment institutions and probation officers) and juveniles themselves. Juvenile criminal justice is looked at from the different perspectives of the participants in this relationship that is, the juvenile delinquents, the criminal justice officers who work with them, and society. Most importantly, this book is based on an original sociological survey. This book is the first in Lithuania to: (1) analyse how theories on delinquency are being applied in juvenile justice programmes implemented in Lithuania; (2) provide a complex approach towards juvenile justice in Lithuania from a sociological perspective; (3) conduct an analysis of juvenile justice using comprehensively applied empirical research methods. Taking into consideration the scope and complexity of the problems being analysed, the author's research results may prove to be significant in the development of juvenile justice reforms in Lithuania (especially regarding the improvement of criminal justice officer qualifications, the preparation of educational programs, the improvement of how juvenile probation institutions function, more efficient delinquency prevention, etc.). The research and conclusions set out in this book are relevant for criminal justice institutions, non-government organisations and other institutions dealing with delinquents. The theses of the dissertation will enrich the disciplines of sociology and criminology, and may be used to develop studies for students of these and other social sciences. [From the publication]

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