Socialinių, psichologinių ir teisinių veiksnių reikšmė šeimos santykių transformacijai, sąlygojančiai tėvystės statuso sumenkinimą

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinių, psichologinių ir teisinių veiksnių reikšmė šeimos santykių transformacijai, sąlygojančiai tėvystės statuso sumenkinimą
Alternative Title:
Significance of social, psychological and psychological and legal factors to the family relations' transformation determining devaluation of patternity status
In the Journal:
Soter. 2007, 21 (49), p. 121-151
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje taikant analitinį socialinių santykių stebėjimo būdą siekiama atskleisti santuokoje/šeimoje gyvenančiųjų statuso ir vaidmens tapatumo ir skirtumo pasiskirstymą. Socialinio statuso sąvoka neretai vartojama kaip socialinio vaidmens sąvokos sąsaja, tuomet socialinis statusas suprantamas kaip teisių ir pareigų visuma, o socialinis vaidmuo - kaip socialinio statuso dinaminis aspektas, tam tikras elgesys. Individas, naudodamasis jam suteiktomis teisėmis ir pareigomis, išplaukiančiomis iš užimamo statuso visuomenėje, atlieka tam tikrą vaidmenį. Problemos atsiranda, kai aiškiai neapibrėžiamas statusas, tuomet tampa neaiškus ir vaidmens atlikimas. Tradicinėje visuomenėje individo, užimančio įvairius statusus, pareigos ir teisės neprieštaravo kito individo teisėms ir tokiu būdu ne tik susiformuodavo atitinkamo elgesio standartas, bet ir būdavo pasiekiama socialinių santykių pusiausvyra. Modernioje susiskaldžiusioje visuomenėje daugybė situacijų ir mažai standartizuoto elgesio normų nesuteikia pasidalijusiai visuomenei pusiausvyros ir sutarimo, bet, priešingai, kursto naujus visuomenės konfliktus. Tėvystės ir šeimos statuso sumenkėjimo atveju vaidmenys neretai paskirstomi neatsižvelgiant į to asmens užimamą statusą, kad būtų išsaugota teisių ir pareigų vienovė, bet pagal asmeninį poreikį, todėl vienas asmuo tampa nuvertintas, o kitas pervertintas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tradicinė šeima; Alternatyvi šeima; Statusas; Vaidmuo.; Traditional family; Alternative family; Status; Role.

ENSimilarly to the proletariat’s srive to compare itself with the bourgeousy the feinism’s strive to compare itself with the patriarchat or the striveof altrnatyve marriages into traditional ones results into tryig to create not only adequate, but more meaningful models that those system or institutional models that servd as examplary ones. Quite a smilar thing happenned with a family model. If earlier the family has always been the sexuality controlling institution, later, when sexuality regulating instruments were overtaken from the family, models characteristic to normal marriage or family life started to be abandoned and passing over to independent sexuality regulating society. Therefore a contemporary individual tries to abandon values of a stable traditional family life and become independent of it. However such an individual becomes dependent on biological feelings and, as numerous observations show, he, each time with more exhibicionistic agressivness, seeks to base his sexual neds on law. Nowdays family has become a strange topic. Even those who have parents, also brothers, sisters or kids, not always, due to their limited awareness, are able to answer the importance of the family or what its role is in the life of the society or an individual and how it can change people’s mutual relations. Domination of individual views diminishes feelings of social collectivism. The right to selfrealisation becomes predominate, feeling of fair is directed to undertaken commitments, total lack of common responsibility, because there exist a tendency to take one’s own and others’ life quie suppeficually. However, in the situation like this, everything that we tend to call self-realization, it becomes fole roles dictated by consumption society.Traditional marriage even in relatively modern times was the basis of marital relations: the husband provided for the family and wife took care of it. Nowadays forward external obligations are tendentiously liquidated. Marriage more and more becomes a relation that is initiated and continued till the tight contact and emotional satisfaction with the spouse is rendered. The modern concept of amity has the similar basis. A person is held a friend if the terms kept with him bring some reward. So, amity as well looses its meaning. Though obligations of the family can be quite week but these obligations are introduced directly by family relations through the ties of blood. Meanwhile friendly affection keeps the relation until the mutual feelings of nearness exist. That is why when personal relations are tested and filled with tension and satisfaction, the relation is aspired only because it gives something for the partners. Devaluated family relations lack traditional duties and obligations and are replaced with other relations based on satisfaction, pleasure and interest. Fluctuation of temper does not provide the stability of relation for which the unity of rights and obligations is set by the status of person. Devaluating the grade of the occupied status and not giving clearness to it is more and more often transited to the performance of roles. In this case the duties are derived not from the personal status but simply from a performed role that is characteristic for the certain person or not. In fact, like the status can not exist without the role, the role can not exist without the status. Denying of this rule leads to the situations when husband has to perform the role of mother and wife – the role of father. [From the publication]

1392-7450; 2335-8785
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