Susitikimo teologija Birutės Pūkelevičiūtės "Metūgėse"

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Susitikimo teologija Birutės Pūkelevičiūtės "Metūgėse"
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2008, Nr. 1, p. 73-87
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas teologinis-biblinis kūrinio aspektas. Kūno - ne tik kaip biologinės, bet ir sakralų dėmenį turinčios, santykį su kitu kuriančios, biblinės ir teologinės atminties įgyjančios substancijos - problema pasirodė itin paranki ir vaisinga gilinantis į kritikų ne kartą apmąstytą erotiškumo, moteriškumo ir kitų jų semantiniam laukui artimų temų sklaidą "Metūgėse". Nurodant ir aptariant kūrinio sąsajas su konkrečiais bibliniais tekstais, stebint ir interpretuojant iš teologinio diskurso atėjusių įvaizdžių, krikščioniškos liturgijos elementų ir jos kalbos variacijas, jų sampynas su mitologiniais vaizdiniais, siekiama atskleisti "Metūgėse" ryškėjančius kuriančios modernios sąmonės santykio su krikščioniška tradicija pavidalus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Literatūra (XX a.); Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė; Modernioji religinė sąmonė; Erotiškumas; Kūniškumas; Motinystė; Lithuanian literature (20th century); Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė; Modern religious conscience; Eroticism; Flesh; Motherhood.

ENBirutė Pūkelevičiūtė is one of the most distinctive and strongest voices both in the literary medium of the [Lithuanian] Diaspora and Lithuania, and her first book "Metūgės" can be regarded as a new phase in women’s poetry. In seems expedient to interpret the spread of femininity and erotic nature, as well as themes of motherhood, fertility and meeting with God found in Pūkelevičiūtė’s "Metūgės" within the scope of inter-disciplinary literature and theology, as well as the relation between literature and the Bible, in order to supplement and expand the earlier analyses of "Metūgės", which projected a rather precise horizon of her most vivid themes and problems, but marked only fragmentary contours of the links of the work with theological and Biblical contexts. The Biblical book "Song of Songs" appeared to be a particularly important field in observing the understanding of flesh, unity between body and soul and the set of images of femininity and eroticism, emerging in the metaphors and symbols of "Metūgės". The obvious and more obscure allusions of Pūkelevičiūtė’s texts to this one of the most poetic books of the Old Testament helped the poetess to model a new figure of woman, unaccustomed so far in the Lithuanian literature, - sensual, loving and not hiding her passion, to express in a poetic way the concept of the body as a meeting, a relation with the Other.Other themes belonging to the semantic field of flesh and love are being dwelt upon within the scope of "Song of Songs", attracting more cultural contexts. Woman as a motherly figure, the problems of fertility and childlessness become the field where theological, Biblical, as well as mythological and pagan meanings meet. In "Metūgės", under the influence of the authentic principles of the view of self and the world, these meanings acquire new shapes and nuances. Christian images are often covered by a mythological layer, thus establishing a provocative relation with the Christian tradition. Such relation, however, in no way means depriving this tradition of its meaning. There is no doubt that Christian images, permeated with mythological symbols, take part in the circulation of cultural meanings which could be called one of the most important principles of the establishment of modern religious conscience in "Metūgės". [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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