LTReligijos - kokia ji bebūtų - įtaka žmogaus psichinei sveikatai bei elgesio normoms yra pripažįstama visame pasaulyje. Dėl to religinė anamnezė yra sveikintina ir labai reikalinga tolesniam paciento gydymui. Straipsnyje yra analizuojamas psichiatro ir kunigo bendradarbiavimas kaip gydytojo praktikoje iškylanti būtinybė, iniciatyva. Pschiatro kasdienėje praktikoje natūraliu būdu yra iškilusi būtinybė tikinčius pacientus nukreipti dvasininko konsultacijai terapijos efektui sustiprinti. Pacientams su savo psichiatru yra svarbu aptarti religinius įsitikinimus, jų svarbą asmenybei ir ligai. Tai padarius, pagerėja paciento ir psichiatro terapinis kontaktas. Religinė anamnezė naudojama diagnostikos tikslu bei sudarant gydymo planą. Dvasininko buvimas stimuliuoja psichiatrinės komandos narių dvasinių vertybių puoselėjimą. Psichikos ligų bei suicidų prevencijai galėtų pasitarnauti kai kurių religinių bei moralinių vertybių akcentavimas. Psichiatro, psichoterapeuto ir dvasininko konsultacijos skyrimas yra tikslingas onkologiniams ligoniams.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Psichiatras; Dvasininkas. terapinis efektas; Psychiatrist; Priest; Terapeutical effect.
ENScientific literature reviews indicate that religious involvement is associated with better physical and mental health. It is also clear that, at times, religion or spirituality can be used negatively and can become incorporated into individual's psychopathology. The psychiatrist's ability to understand the meaning of religion or spirituality to the patient is important for accurate assessment and treatment. This study is evidence based study and shows the necessity of priest's consultation for a psychiatric patient as additional intervention parallel to psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy provided by psychiatrist. This type of performance is needed to religious patients in order their religious believes, as part ot their personalities could become understood and used in designing the therapeutical model. During two months period 30 (thirty) patients with several diagnoses were sent to see a priest during their therapeutical procedure with psychiatrist. Positive results of this performance were evident. Conclusions: 1. It is important to a patient to discuss their religious believes and their impact on the personality structure with their psychiatrists. 2. Doctor psychiatrist should posses knowledge about their patients religious anamnesis and use this knowledge during diagnostic procedure and therapy plan design. 3. Therapeutical contact between a patient and his psychiatrist becomes much better after religious interview. 4. Priest's consultation parallel to psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is strongly recommended to a patient who carries religious believes. 5. Therapeutical effect is being strengthened after priest's intervention. [From the publication]