Panevėžio statusas XIX a. pradžioje: miestas ar kaimas?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Panevėžio statusas XIX a. pradžioje: miestas ar kaimas?
Alternative Title:
Status of Panevėžys at the beginning of 19th century: a town or a village?
In the Book:
1795-1915. Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje.
Summary / Abstract:

LTXIX a. pradžioje Panevėžio miesto statusas ne kartą keitėsi. Rusijos valdžiai kuriant Vilniaus gubernijos administracinį tinklą, miestas tapo apskrities centru. Nedidelėje valstybei priklausančioje miesto dalyje, vadintoje valstybine jurisdikcija (trumpinimas – jurisdika), telkėsi valdžios bei teisinės įstaigos. Kita vertus, didžioji miesto dalis priklausė Panevėžio dvarui. Toks administracinis bei teisinis pavaldumas ne tik miestą, bet ir miesto gyventojus skaidė į dvi dalis. Kartu tai buvo kliūtis miestietiškos visuomenės formavimuisi bei miesto plėtrai. Šiame straipsnyje bus analizuojami veiksniai, apsprendę Panevėžio miesto statusą bei jo kaitą. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article analyses twists and turns of legal status of Panevėžys city and its residents. It was very changeable at the beginning of the 19th century. When Russian authorities were forming administrative network of Vilnius gubernia the town became the centre of the County. The authorities and legal institutions concentrated in a small part of the town which belonged to the state and was called state jurisdiction. On the other hand, major part of the town belonged to Panevėžys estate. Such administrative and legal subordination divided both the town and its residents into two parts. Part of the town residents, formally free peasants or bondmen, were not satisfied with such status and started challenging their rights. Eventually that dispute grew into several conflicts that involved most of Panevėžys residents. However, Russian authorities in response to the conflict and seeing that the status of a private town did not correspond to administrative and legal regulations, took it over from the proprietor and exchanged it for other real estate. On the other hand, the dispute with the landlord revealed town-estate and local identity. [From the publication]

2022-09-05 12:02:13
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