Karių pasitenkinimo privalomąja karo tarnyba ir jų kovinio pasirengimo sąsajų ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Karių pasitenkinimo privalomąja karo tarnyba ir jų kovinio pasirengimo sąsajų ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of interrelation between satisfaction with the obligatory military service and military readiness
In the Journal:
Psichologija. 2004, t. 29, p. 16-30
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos pasitenkinimo privalomąja tarnyba sąsajos su kovinio pasirengimo rodikliais. Naudojant dvi pasitenkinimo tarnyba įvertinimo skales ištirta 211 karių. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad pasitenkinimas tarnyba yra stabilus rodiklis, mažai kintantis per visą jos laiką. Atlikus pasitenkinimo įverčių klasterinę analizę sudarytos dvi karių grupės: santykinai didesnio pasitenkinimo tarnyba grupę sudarė 113 karių, o santykinai mažesnio - 98 kariai. Palyginus šias grupes nustatytos statistiškai reikšmingos sąsajos tarp karių pasitenkinimo tarnyba ir jų kovinio pasirengimo rodiklių. Daugiau nei 50 proc. (12 iš 22) visų kovinio pasirengimo rodiklių yra geresni santykinai didesnio pasitenkinimo tarnyba karių grupės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Karių pasitenkinimas privalomąja tarnyba; Kovinio pasirengimo rodikliai; Satisfaction with obligatory military service; Military readness.

ENThe article analyzes the relations between the satisfaction with the mandatory military service and the indicators of combat readiness. 211 soldiers were studied by using two scales of evaluation of satisfaction with the military services. The obtained results showed that the satisfaction with the military service is a stable indicator, which has undergone little changes throughout its existence. Upon performing the cluster analysis of the indicators of satisfaction, the soldiers were divided into two groups: 113 soldiers fell into the group of a relatively higher satisfaction with the military service and 98 soldiers fell into the group of lower satisfaction. Upon comparison of the two groups the statistically meaningful relations between the soldiers’ satisfaction with the military service and their combat readiness indicators were identified. More than 50 per cent (12 out of 22) of all the combat readiness indicators were higher in the group of soldiers, who are relatively more satisfied with the military service.

1392-0359; 2345-0061
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