LTKultūros, filosofijos ir meno instituto Teatrologijos skyriaus mokslininkų parengtoje knygoje pirmą kartą svetimtaučiam skaitytojui angų kalba pateikiama lietuvių teatro istorijos apžvalga. Demesys sutelktas į dramos teatro raidą, aptariamos lietuvių teatro ištakos valdovų ir didikų dvaruose, mokyklinis teatras, Vilniaus miesto teatras, tautinio teatro pradžia - mėgėjiškas laikotarpis. Daugiausia vietos skiriama XX a. profesionaliajam teatrui, svarbiausiems režisieriams, iškiliausiems spektakliams.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Teatro istorija; Teatro dekoracijos; Lithuania; Theatre history; Stage decorations.
ENThis book attempts to comprehensively and consistently present the entirety of Lithuanian theater’s history to the foreign reader. Yet it must be noted that this work focuses on Lithuanian drama theater and, for the most part, it concentrates on the artists whose creations were in Lithuanian. Of course, these genre and linguistic boundaries are quite relative – the more we go into the past, the more difficult it is to define clear boundaries between musical and drama theater. Moreover, languages in Lithuania intertwine just like in any other land that is surrounded by powerful and influential neighboring states. This book was prepared by a group of authors brought together by the Theater Research Department at the Culture, Philosophy and Arts Research Institute.