Tautinis ir europinis tapatumas: suderinamumas ir raiška

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tautinis ir europinis tapatumas: suderinamumas ir raiška
In the Journal:
Filosofija. Sociologija [Philosophy. Sociology]. 2004, Nr. 4, p. 1-9
Summary / Abstract:

LTAnalizuojama tautinio ir europinio tapatumo turinio struktūra ir raiškos specifika, priklausanti nuo politinio, kultūrinio, istorinio ir socialinio konteksto. Remiantis etniškumo ir nacionalizmo teorijomis siekiama nustatyti, kiek šios tapatumo formos yra nulemtos ir nekintamos, o kiek gali būti pasirenkamos ir lanksčios. Apibrėžiant situacijas, problemas, motyvus ir paskatas, kada ir kodėl tapatinamasi su nacionaline valstybe ar Europa, taip pat pristatoma ir „Europos“ samprata. Priešpriešai tarp tautinio ir europinio tapatumo per tuos pačius kūrimosi ir palaikymo faktorius priešpastatoma konvergencijos galimybė. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe author stresses two main ideas. The form of the national or the European identity is created during the long process of social interaction, where the meaningful role belongs to history, elements of high and low culture, such as rituals, symbols and stereotypes; social, political, economical enviroment. This approach is based upon the theoretical views of ethnicity and nationalism. The second idea is about the ability to choose the form of identity and the factors, reasons, situations and assumptions that make it possible or even require such a choice. The given models are supported by sociological data. There are proposed a few examples of a possible convergence between the national and the European identity, which are based on the same nature of these phenomena, as they influence each other as the two sides of the same coin. [From the publication]

0235-7186; 2424-4546
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