LTŠiame, antrajame, serijos straipsnyje, skirtame lietuvio nacionalinio budo apžvalgai (pirmasis straipsnis paskelbtas žurnale "Filosofija. Sociologija". 2002 m. Nr. 4), autoriaus dėmesys fokusuojamas į tuos šiuolaikinio lietuvio būdo bruožus, kurie eurointegracijos kontekste kelia (arba turėtų kelti) tam tikrą nerimą, susirūpinimą. Atskirai aptariami tokie nacionalinio būdo bruožai, kaip deformuotas individualizmas, servilizmas, priešinimosi sindromas, valstybinio bei nacionalinio patriotizmo stygius, emocionalumo perteklius, korupcinės sąmonės sindromas ir dezadaptacinis sindromas. [Iš leidinio]
ENThis (second) article is designed for a review of national Lithuanian character (the first was published in the journal of "Philosophy. Sociology". 2002. No. 4). The author focuses on the features of the contemporary character that worry (or should worry) us in the context of Eurointegration. He notes such features of the national character as misshapen individualism, servilism, resistance syndrome, the lack of national and state patriotism, the excess of emotionality, the syndromes of corrupt consciousness and disadaptation. These features are explained as a combination of historical cultural heritage, which is specific to Lithuanian nation, and negative manifestations of the contemporary world, as well as part of national selfperception. [From the publication]