Lietuvos visuomenės socialinės-teisinės elgsenos raida - latentinių iššūkių nacionaliniam saugumui šaltinis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos visuomenės socialinės-teisinės elgsenos raida - latentinių iššūkių nacionaliniam saugumui šaltinis
Alternative Title:
Evolution of social - legal behavior of Lithuanian society - source of latent challenges for national security
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokslo studija nagrinėja Lietuvos visuomenės socialinės-teisinės elgsenos būdų ir formų raidą per pastaruosius trisdešimt metų. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti visuomenės socialinės-teisinės elgsenos bruožus, kurių funkcionalumas: 1) riboja atvirosios pilietinės visuomenės raidą; 2) kelia naujus iššūkius nacionaliniam saugumui. Tyrimas grindžiamas teisės sociologijos ir socialinės-kultūrinės antropologijos tyrimų metodologinėmis prieigomis. Lietuvos visuomenės teisinio identiteto raidos bruožų tyrimas atskleidė neigiamus jo bruožus: teisinį nihilizmą, korupciją ir bandymus legalizuoti neteisinės prigimties veikseną. Šiuos teisinio identiteto bruožus aktualizuoja globalizacijos ir informacinių technologijų sąveika vartotojiškoje visuomenėje. Todėl neigiami teisinio identiteto bruožai tampa rimtu iššūkiu nacionaliniam saugumui. Pagrindinės sąvokos: liberalioji demokratija, atviroji (pilietinė) visuomenė, nacionalinis saugumas, pilietinės visuomenės teisinė kultūra, globalizacija, teisinis identitetas. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis science study presents the evolution of social and legal behavior features of Lithuanian society over the last thirty years. The aim of the research is to reveal the features of socio-legal behavior of the society, the functionality of which: 1) limits the development of an open civil society; 2) make new challenges to national security. The research is based on methodological sociology of law and socio-cultural anthropology research. The structure of the scientific study consists of the following parts: 1. The concept of the relationship between open (civil) society and national security. 2. The behavior of consumer society caused by globalization is a challenge to national security. 3. Basic ideas of social behavior and their impact on the formation of legal identity of society. 4. Features of the development of legal identity of Lithuanian society Conclusions: 1. The socio-legal behavior of the society and legal identities are formed, evolved and transformed within the limits of state protection of real functioning legitimacy. Therefore, by the time of globalization, the relationship between open (civil) society and national security was based on the legal culture of personality and society. Civil society’s legal culture is a system of achievements that it has achieved by protecting, restoring and improving the constitutional legal conditions of its existence. Its conception is based on three interrelated parameters of legal existence: the state of law, the extent of the lawful behavior, the level of legal consciousness. These parameters of legal existence cover the entire society and its members. If the society is in a poor state of law, it is a signal of ill-conceived behavior in society and its low level of legal consciousness. This means that the status of any parameter in civil society is directly reflected in other parameters and determines the description of the entire legal culture.2. The rise of globalization leads to the growth of consumerism and its most important feature - mobility. It is a mobile consumer society that is interested in the development of openness to movement. This explains why, on the one hand, the search for new experiences of members of the public is actualizing. But, on the other hand, the nature of consumer society - agility - also determines that its members cannot commit to long-term commitments to any entity. 3. The study of the development of legal identity of Lithuanian society revealed: -- Under the political-legal conditions of the Soviet occupation, the legal identity of Lithuanian society has acquired the characteristics of legal identity characteristic of the Soviet society - legal nihilism and corruption; -- During the period of the restoration of Lithuanian statehood in 1990-1992, the creation of a legal regime became a favorable context for the negative features of the legal identity of the society - legal nihilism, corruption and legalization of the illegitimate nature; -- Establishment of Lithuanian Statehood in 1993-2000 the period is very controversial in terms of the evolution of the legal identity of society. On the one hand, the constitutional protection of the values of liberal democracy guaranteed political-legal conditions for the establishment of an open (civil) society, but, on the other hand, the legally non-transparent privatization process “actualized” the negative traits of legal identity - legal nihilism, corruption and legal attempts to legalize the mode of non-legal nature.The process of Lithuania’s preparation and becoming a member of the EU focused on the development of political-legal consolidation of Lithuania as a rule of law, which was a favorable context for the formation of open (civil) society and its legal identity. However, studies by different authors have revealed that: a) The important elements of the socio-political identity of Lithuanian society are its moral-emotional traits, which possibly limit the development of Western-oriented civil society; (b) the lack of respect for the Constitution and human rights is characteristic not only of society but also of its political elite; (c) the legal identity of a Western-oriented society was not formed. -- The impact of globalization and the interaction of information technologies is creating a new empirical state of sociality, the essential features of which are the ephemerality and movement of any social entity. The combination of these features of consumer society with the negative features of legal identity - legal nihilism, corruption and attempts to legalize the mode of unauthorized nature - is a serious source of challenges for national security. Keywords: liberal democracy, open (civil) society, national security, civil society legal culture, globalization, legal identity. [From the publication]

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