LTStraipsnyje aptariamos vaikų muzikinio ugdymo organizavimo galimybės remiantis laisvojo ugdymo paradigmos idėjomis, aptarti svarbiausi metodiniai ugdomojo muzikinio darbo aspektai ir principai. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaką vaiko ūgčiai daro laisvojo ugdymo pedagogikos principais paremtų metodų taikymas, buvo atlikta interviu apklausa, kurios metu paaiškėjo, kad vaikai, kuriems buvo taikomi šie metodai, muzikinio ugdymo procese jaučiasi saugūs, jų kūrybinė raiška bei muzikiniai gebėjimai pozityviai atsiskleidžia ir vystosi atsižvelgiant į jų individualius asmenybės poreikius. Laisvojo ugdymo principais paremti metodai ir autorės pedagoginės įžvalgos aprašomos ir pristatomos šiame straipsnyje. Prasminiai žodžiai: laisvasis ugdymas, neformalusis muzikinis ugdymas, ikimokyklinis amžius, vaikų muzikinis ugdymas. [Iš leidinio]
ENIn today’s educational reality, in the change of educational paradigms, increasingly emphasizing the fulfilment of the fundamental needs of the learner and the necessity to form a creative personality in the spaces of education policy, there is still a clear mismatch between education policy and educational practice. The ideas of pedagogy of free education in today’s educational reality are gradually becoming significant, acceptable and applicable. Children’s nonformal education due to the diversity of its flexible forms is the environment, where the principles of pedagogy of free education can and could be meaningfully applied. The author of the present article, educating preschool children through non-formal musical activities and applying the methods of pedagogy of free education, noticed that these methods provide very much space not only for the development of the child’s musical skills, but also for the expression of creative opportunities in the broader contexts of personality development. In order to identify the significance and effectiveness of the methods based on the principles of pedagogy of free education, a qualitative research was conducted by interviewing the parents of children of the preschool age group of the children’s vocal studio “Rokoko” of Šiauliai Culture Centre. The analysis of the data of the empirical research revealed that the methods of pedagogy of free education are effective and significant in developing the child’s musical abilities and nurturing a creative personality. [From the publication]