LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos ir moksliškai (į)vertinamos inkliuzinės mokyklos kultūros formavimo priemonės, besireiškiančios muzikinio ugdymo kontekste. Laikomasi nuostatos, jog mokyklos kultūra grindžiama inkliuzinio ugdymo filosofija bei praturtinta pažangiais edukaciniais procesais, grindžiamais menine/muzikine veikla ne tik pažymi mokyklos išskirtinumą, bet suvienija bei įgalina ugdymo proceso dalyvius natūraliai dirbti išvien dėl bendro tikslo. Kuriant inkliuzinės mokyklos kultūrą, meninė veikla skatina bendruomenės dalyvius bendradarbiauti, dalintis gerąja patirtimi, gerina mikroklimatą, užtikrina sėkmės situacijos raišką ne tik ugdymo procese, bet ir koncertinėje veikloje ir pan. Straipsnyje paimta maža dalis tyrimo, kur analizuojamos mokinių patirtys, dėmesį sutelkiant į pirmąjį įspūdį, kuris atspindi įtraukiojo ugdymo tendencijas, kokios aplinkybės ir pasirinkimo motyvai lemia pasirinkti gimnazijos chorą. Tyrimo duomenų analizė atskleidė pirmines besimokančiųjų patirtis gimnazijos kolektyve. Muzikinė veikla, grindžiama inkliuzinio ugdymo filosofija, tampa galimybe, formuojančia inkliuzinės mokyklos kultūrą, kuri neabejotinai padeda kurti tolerancija skirtybėmis grįstą visuomenę, siekiančią įžvelgti kiekvieno ugdytinio poreikius ir galimybes. Prasminiai žodžiai: inkliuzinė mokykla, mokyklos kultūra, meninis/muzikinis ugdymas. [Iš leidinio]
ENThe article analyzes and scientifically evaluates the means of forming an inclusive school culture, which are expressed in the context of music education. It is believed that the school culture is based on the philosophy of inclusive education and enriched with advanced educational processes based on artistic/musical activities not only marks the uniqueness of the school, but unites and enables participants of the educational process to work naturally together for a common goal. By creating an inclusive school culture, artistic activities encourage community participants to cooperate, share good practices, improve the microclimate, ensure the expression of a successful situation not only in the educational process, but also in concert activities, etc. The aim of this study is to reveal studentsʼ attitude towards musical activities as a mean of forming an inclusive school culture. The article takes just a small part of the study, which analyzes the experiences of students, focusing on the first impression, which reflects the tendencies of inclusive education, what circumstances and motives determine choosing the gymnasium choir. The analysis of students' experience in the primary learnersʼ gymnasium team revealed that some students have a clear and specific or artistic goal of improvement while coming to the choir, knowing what they would like to learn and what knowledge and skills they could acquire in the team, others have a desire to share their thoughts, feelings, be accepted, significant, to experience emotional closeness, looking for like-minded people, friends, striving to be a part of the team, where being in a team would allow each member to the self-realization.The analysis of the study also revealed a very significant role of the teacher. He is responsible not only for developing studentsʼ musical skills, but also for making appropriate decisions for further musical activities. Speaking about self-realization in the gymnasium staff, the informants single out one very important aspect, which was determined by the circumstances of attending the choir – the formation of personality maturity, etc. We can assume that artistic activities are significant in creating a school for everyone, because thanks to them the abilities, needs and opportunities of each student are noticed, friends are made, emotional connection is established, success situations and many pleasant moments are experienced. The members of the team strengthen their tolerance for others by willingly communicating after rehearsals. Artistic activities not only clarify life, enriche the singers and listeners themselves, they become a great tool for the formation of an inclusive culture. The analysis of the research data revealed the initial experiences of the learners in the gymnasium staff. Musical activities based on the philosophy of inclusive education are becoming an opportunity to shape the culture of an inclusive school, which undoubtedly helps to create a tolerance-based society that seeks to see the needs and opportunities of each learner. [From the publication]