ENIn 2001 the Institute of the History of Lithuania in Vilnius commenced issuing a new series of source publications entitled Documents o f the Lithuanian Foreign Politics from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century, starting with the act of Krewo of 1385. Why had the authors selected a document which has been the topic of so many publications? The decisive criteria were the specificity of the historical fate of the act and the controversial nature of the views and assessments concerning both its character and contents. Having examined the act of Krewo from the viewpoint of diplomacy, diplomatic, sphragistics and palaeography, and having taken into consideration the historical circumstances of its origin, the authors of the publication - R. Čapaitè, J. Kiaupiené, E. Rimša, S. C. Rowell, and E. Ulčinaité - drew two basic conclusions: 1. The act issued in Krewo on 14 August 1385, up to now kept in the Archive of the Cracow chapter, is an authentic document, which can be described as a ratification of agreements concerning the marriage of Jagiełło, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and Jadwiga, the Queen of Poland, conducted by the envoys of three parties - Jagiełło, Queen Elizabeth and the lords of Little Poland, or a protocol of a mission to Jagiełło, reporting on the course of previous negotiations.Nonetheless, the ratification act or protocol does not possess the features of an international or inter-dynastic agreement. This is why there are not bases for describing the Krewo document as an act of a Polish-Lithuanian union. 2. The history of the Lithuanian state does not include an interstate agreement with the Polish state which could be described as the Union of Krewo of 1385. Having completed the agreements pertaining to the dynastic marriage between Jagiełło and Jadwiga, as well as concerning the Polish throne, the Grand Duke, a member of the Gedyminowicz dynasty, invited by representatives of the ruling elite, arrived in Poland, where he was baptised, married the Polish Queen (of the Anjou dynasty) and, while remaining “supremus dux” of Lithuania, was crowned the King of Poland. In this manner, a dynastic-personal union, which for several centuries was to influence the history of Central-Eastern Europe, was accomplished. [From the publication]