Lietuviška Abraomo Kulviečio giesmė (vertimas, eilėdara, kalba)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuviška Abraomo Kulviečio giesmė (vertimas, eilėdara, kalba)
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian hymn by Abraomas Kulvietis (translation, versification, language)
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama kol kas vienintelė žinoma lietuviška Abraomo Kulviečio giesmė. Aprašomos jos vertimo ypatybės ir eilėdara, tiriama kalba. Siekiama nustatyti skiriamąsias giesmės ypatybes. Tokiomis laikomos ne tik išskirtinės, t. y. tik nagrinėjamam kūriniui būdingos ir kituose to meto kūriniuose nerandamos, ypatybės, bet ir tokios, kurios kitų autorių kūriniuose yra ne taip paplitusios. Atsižvelgiama į verstinį giesmės pobūdį, autoriaus ir redaktorių gimtąsias šnektas, redagavimo pobūdį. Straipsnio išvadose siūlomas giesmės skiriamųjų kalbos ypatybių rinkinys, apibūdinantis Kulviečio kalbą. Esminiai žodžiai: Abraomas Kulvietis; skiriamosios kalbos ypatybės; vertimas; eilėdara; fonetika; morfologija; sintaksė; žodžių tvarka. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article examines the only unquestionable Lithuanian hymn by Abraomas Kulvietis (Abraham Culvensis) so far “Malonus dėkavojimas Ponui Dievui...” (“A pleasant thanksgiving to the Lord God…”), translated from German. It was printed in 1570 in the second part of the hymnal prepared and edited by Martynas Mažvydas and Baltramiejus Vilentas. The article examines the language of the hymn, the translation technique and versification are also described. The aim is to identify the distinguishing language characteristics of the hymn. They are considered not only exclusive, i.e. features that are unique to the considered work and are not found in other works of that time, but also those that rarely occur or are less frequently used in the works of other authors. The translated nature of the hymn, the native dialects of the author and editors, and the nature of editing are taken into account. In the conclusions of the article, a set of distinguishing language characteristics of the hymn is proposed. Syntactic characteristics: the verb susimilti “forgive” governs the dative of object mums “us”; prepositional phrase ing žyvatą “into life” is used to express the purpose. Morphological characteristics: athematic conjunctive form teduost “let him give” of verb duoti “to give”; genitive singular form smerčio of the loan word smertis “death”; the nominative singular form kraus “blood” and its accusative singular form kraujį; the locative singular form viero of the noun viera “faith”; the accusative plural form mumis of the 1st person pronoun.Lexical semantics and lexicological characteristics: the meaning “make a present” of the verb likti, the loan words pačestavotas, žegnonė, and dūchas in the collocation Šventas Dūchas “the Holy Spirit”. The totality of these characteristics (and only it) distinguishes the hymn from others. It could be considered as a reflection of the Lithuanian language used by Abraomas Kulvietis. Keywords: Abraomas Kulvietis [Abraham Culvensis]; distinguishing characteristics of language; translation; versification; phonetics; morphology; syntax; word order. [From the publication]

2783-7297; 2783-7300
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