Dar kartą apie Mišiolo (1501) glosas

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dar kartą apie Mišiolo (1501) glosas
Alternative Title:
Another study of the glosses to the Missal (1501)
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2024, t. 26, p. 33-50
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Net ir būdami kiek vėlesni, Mišiolo lietuviški įrašai gana reikšmingi mūsų senosios raštijos tyrimams. Jie papildo negausų XVI–XVII a. pradžios Vilniaus rašomosios kalbos tekstų inventorių ir liudija savitas rašybos tendencijas. Mišiolą paviešinus Lietuvos skaitmeninto kultūros paveldo portale atsirado proga ir galimybė atidžiau panagrinėti pačius Mišiolo įrašus. Šiuo straipsniu siekiama patikslinti glosas (jų perskaitymą) ir skaičių; aptarti naujai pastebėtus įrašus, taip pat pateikti naujų duomenų glosų datavimui. [...]. [Iš straipsnio, p. 33-34]

ENThe article narrows down the specification of the Lithuanian entries published by Sigitas Narbutas and Zigmas Zinkevičius in 1989 that had been found in the Latin Missale ad usum romane ecclesie (1501) and introduces a number of newly discovered glosses that make an addition to the compilation. The study found the Missal to contain a total of 95 glosses (158 words and 176 forms) that are used to translate certain parts in the Bible. Five cases that Narbutas and Zinkevičius considered dubious have been revised and updated with ne knowledge: three of them are Lithuanian words or phrases – kunʃcʒiais, niemielaʃsirdingai; o beda; Kaip waikvi numirvʃiá iß ʒivato matijnaσ gimvʃiam; two instances constitute text written in foreign languages – Lat. uiuere; Pol. dʒiedʒijnij. Two entries now come with an indication of conjecture: the participial ending dijncivs; the prepositional compound or loanword precʒa. The five glosses that have been newly observed are these: ape piktadeias ~ apie piktadėjas, pakolai, ivadijmo ~ įvedimo (įvadymo, įvadijimo), ʒemie₉₉ ~ žemėjejus (žemėjijus), ßakiełaes ~ šakelės. The entry ivadijmo represents a special term referring to a holiday of Virgin Mary. The grapheme in the entry ßakiełaes, just like the <æ>that occurs in some of the other glosses, is not typical of the eastern variant of the written language; these charac ters – as probably does the definite locative adjective ʒemie₉₉ (and some forms of the glosses that do not carry the typical eastern characteristics) – testify that at least one of the authors of the entries had been closely connected with the Kėdainiai region and its written texts, and perhaps the tradition of Lithuania Minor. The links that the glosses have with the tradition of Polish biblical texts made it possible to narrow down their dating. Most of the glosses ante quem date back to around 1580s, predating Jakub Wujek's texts. [From the publicatio

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