Bajorų kapinynas

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bajorų kapinynas
Alternative Title:
Bajorai cemetery
In the Journal:
Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai Lietuvoje. 2007, 2006 metais, p. 146-153
Summary / Abstract:

LT2006 m. pagal KPD archeologinių vertybių tyrimų programą KU ir KŠM pradëjo Bajorų kapinyno (A 56) (Elektrënų sav., Kietaviškių sen.) tyrinëjimus. 1995 m. šį paminklą žvalgë KPC ir Kaišiadorių Etninës kultûros centro žvalgomoji ekspedicija (A. Girininkas ir O. Lukoševičius). Tada kapinyno teritorijoje buvo ištirtas 1 m2 šurfas. Jame ir kapinyno paviršiuje aptikta įvairių metalo bei keramikos radinių, degintinių kaulų. Tyrinëtojai kapinyną siejo su viena jotvingių genčių ir datavo XII–XIII a. (žr. ATL 1994 ir 1995 metais, V., 1996, p. 290–291). [...]. [Iš teksto, p. 146]

ENIn 2006 KU and KðM began the excavation of Bajorai cemetery (Elektrënai Municipality). The cemetery is on a small hill, 23x32 m in size and 1.2 m high, which is surrounded by swampy land on the E shore of Lake Briaunis. 4 trenches were excavated on top of it and 2 on the N slope / foot of the hill (a total of 64.25 m2). The cremation burial horizon is a layer 28 cm thick on average that is full of pottery, bronze, and iron finds and cremated bones. Pits in sterile soil that are about 9–63 cm deep and filled with contrasting black soil also belong to this layer. Based on a slightly melted Vytautas penny (denarius) with the inscription ПЕЧАТ, the burial horizon dates to the late 14th – early 15th century (c. 1392–1396). 5 pits and 2 find concentrations, which were distinguished at a higher level, are called burials 1–7. The excavations also encompassed a sacrificial site for weapons (960±140 AD (Vs 1656), 1200±90 AD (Vs 1655)), the connection of which to the cemetery has so far not been more precisely defined. 4 axes with wide blades, 2 spearheads, an arrowhead, and single-edged sword with part of the pommel lying apart from it (Kazakevièius type Z) were found there. In all 7 184 kg of osteological material: cremated human and some animal bones as well as 1210 individual finds (mostly artefact fragments), 3386 pottery sherds (weighing 10 932 kg), and 207 flint finds connected with a camp site from the Mesolithic – Early Neolithic period were found. [From the publication]

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