LTKlausimas „Ar dizainas yra menas?“ („Ar dizaineris yra menininkas?“) yra spekuliatyvus, todėl straipsnio tikslas yra ne atsakymo paieškos, o skirtingų identitetų ir susiformavusių stereotipų analizė. Remiantis Pierre’o Bourdieu idėjomis ir jo suformuluotomis meno lauko koncepcijomis, atskleidžiama kultūrinės produkcijos lauko savybė būti ir vienijančiu, ir skiriančiu tuo pačiu metu. "Kultūra, kuri vienija (komunikacijos terpė), taip pat yra kultūra, kuri skiria (atskyrimo priemonė), ir versdama visas kitas kultūras (priskiriamas prie subkultūrų) save identifikuoti per atstumą nuo dominuojančios kultūros, legitimuoja skirtingumą". Reikšminiai žodžiai: kultūros sociologija, menininkas, dizaineris, identitetas, stereotipas. [Iš leidinio]
EN"There is a fascinating scar tissue that exists betwe en design and art. There are many designers who would like to be considered artists, but not many artists who would like to be conside red to be designers." DEYAN SUDJIC ( and FRAME magazine No. 104, 2015) This quote by Deyan Sudjic from the Pentagram studio series of conversations briefly and accurately describes the long-standing situation in the discussion of whether design does or does not belong to the field of art. The mention of self-identification issues (designers aim “to be considered artists”, and artists do not want “to be considered designers”) refers to different artist and designer identities and stereotypes related to them. The reason why we can identify a “conflict” in the relationship between art and design is best described by Pierre Bourdieu’s idea that art is a social artifact (a product of the artistic field), which comes into existence through a process of field-specific competition. The question whether design does or does not belong to the field of art is speculative, so this article does not aim at finding the answer, but rather at offering an analysis of different identities and established stereotypes. Based on the ideas of Bourdieu and his artistic field concepts, it reveals the qualities of the field of cultural production to be unifying and separating at the same time. “The culture which unifies (the medium of communication) is also the culture which separates (the instrument of distinction) and which legitimates distinctions by forcing all other cultures (designated as sub-cultures) to define themselves by their distance from the dominant culture.” Keywords: cultural sociology, artist, designer, identity, stereotype. [From the publication]