Preservation of cultural heritage based on the Napoleon cultural route of the Council of Europe narrative: the case of Lithuania

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Preservation of cultural heritage based on the Napoleon cultural route of the Council of Europe narrative: the case of Lithuania
Alternative Title:
Збереження культурної спадщини на основі наполеонівського культурного маршруту наративу ради європи: приклад Литви
In the Journal:
Humanities studies. 2024, 18 (95), p. 144-149
Summary / Abstract:

ENCultural tourism is a type of tourism associated with educational, experiential trips of heritage, culture, and personal enrichment. One of the types of cultural tourism – cultural routes is based on significant tangible and intangible cultural heritage, its actualization, cultural phenomena, historical personalities, etc. The article aims to clarify the requirements for a country to join the Council of Europe’s Napoleonic Cultural Route “Destination Napoleon”. The problem of this studie – it is not clear whether joining the Council of Europe cultural route “Destination Napoleon” will have a positive impact on the preservation of cultural heritage. The aim: find out the requirements for joining the Council of Europe’s Napoleon Cultural Route (Destination Napoleon) regarding the preservation of cultural heritage. Research tasks: 1) To define the concept of the cultural route of the Council of Europe, emphasizing the Napoleonic cultural route 2) Find out the requirements for joining the Council of Europe’s cultural routes; 3) To find out the opinion of experts on Lithuania’s compliance with the requirements of membership of the Council of Europe “Napoleon’s cultural route” (Destination Napoleon) regarding the preservation of cultural heritage. Research methodology. Analysis of scientific literature sources, current reports in the media, European Council documents and statistical data; A qualitative study was carried out – an expert interview, based on a pre-prepared questionnaire; formulation of conclusions. The research showed that the absence of the necessary association prevents Lithuania from becoming a member of the “Destination Napoleon” project, which prevents the implementation of further requirements, when joining would have a positive impact on the preservation of cultural heritage in Lithuania. Keywords: cultural route, Napoleon, Council of Europe (COE), requirements, Lithuania. [From the publication]

2708-0390; 2708-0404
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