Profesinis tobulėjimas veiklos tyrimų taikymo kontekste: sveikatos priežiūros specialistų subjektyvus vertinimas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinis tobulėjimas veiklos tyrimų taikymo kontekste: sveikatos priežiūros specialistų subjektyvus vertinimas
Alternative Title:
Professional development in the context of performance-based research application: subjective assessment of healthcare professionals
In the Journal:
Studijos - verslas - visuomenė. 2023, 8, p. 180-192
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠis tyrimas suteikia galimybę atkreipti dėmesį į profesinius veiklos tyrimus kaip į planingą pokyčių strategiją siekiant sveikatos priežiūros specialistų profesinio tobulėjimo. Tyrime taikyti metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, kiekybinis tyrimas (anketavimas), siekiant tyrimo tikslo – atskleisti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų profesinio tobulėjimo galimybes refleksijos ir veiklos tyrimų taikymo aspektu. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos ir susistemintos teorinės prielaidos apie sveikatos priežiūros specialistų profesinės veiklos tobulinimo galimybes taikant refleksiją ir veiklos tyrimus, atskleidžiant profesinės veiklos tobulinimo reikmę, būdus, refleksijos vaidmenį, jos raiškos veiksnius ir kt. Tyrimo metu išsiaiškintas sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūris į profesinį tobulėjimą, refleksijos ir veiklos tyrimų taikymo galimybes tobulinant profesinę veiklą. Pagrindiniai tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog suvokiama profesinės veiklos tobulinimo gebėjimų svarba, tačiau jos tobulinimo galimybės taikant refleksiją ir veiklos tyrimus nepakankamai išnaudojamos, tad atsiveria erdvė šių galimybių edukacijai. Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti pritaikyti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų profesinės veiklos tobulinimo galimybių plėtrai. Raktažodžiai: profesinis tobulėjimas, patirtinis mokymasis, refleksija, veikos tyrimas, sveikatos priežiūros specialistas. [Iš leidinio]

ENAs no evidence of scientific studies analysing the professional development of healthcare professionals through reflective practice and performance-based research could be found, this study provides an opportunity to focus on professional performance-based research as a planned change strategy for the professional development of healthcare professionals. The study questions raised include: What is the theoretical rationale behind the professional development of healthcare professionals through reflective practice and performance-based research? What is the role of learning from experience and reflection in professional performance-based research for the professional development of healthcare professionals? Object of the study: professional development and performance-based research of healthcare professionals. Aim of the study: to analyse and ground the professional development potentials of healthcare professionals in the application of reflective and performance-based research. Objectives of the study: 1) to analyse the theoretical insights into the professional development of healthcare professionals through performance-based research, uncovering the need for and methods for professional development, the role of reflection, and the determinants of expression; 2) to explore healthcare professionals' attitudes towards professional development potentials in terms of reflective practice and application of performance-based research. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, quantitative research (questionnaire survey). Study sample. The survey included healthcare professionals who in the period between January-June 2023 were in non-formal education at the Centre for Continuing Studies of Klaipeda University Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities (total number of participants was 9).The surveyed were healthcare professionals in the following fields (N = 126): nursing, public health, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, radiology, acupuncture, and others. The sampling that has been chosen for the study – probability convenience, targeted. The sample is heterogeneous, with most respondents being female (76%), aged between 31 and 45 (68%), employed (85%), having more than 11 years of work experience (67%) and with a university degree (81%). Key results of the study. The respondents understand the relevance of professional development skills but have insufficient awareness of the benefits of learning from experience and reflection as effective ways to improve professional development. The respondents lack reflective thinking and experiential learning skills. Reflection and the use of performance-based research as a means of professional development is the choice of a small number of respondents. This indicates that only some of the respondents associate the skills of reflection and self-performance with the implementation of professional development in practice. Only one fifth of respondents see the development and practical testing of an individual career strategy as a motivating factor for their professional development. This demonstrates that the benefits of performance-based research and reflection are not sufficiently understood and put into practice among respondents. Only a fifth of respondents admit to practising critical reflection skills for learning from experience and improving their performance. The study suggests that healthcare professionals are insufficiently aware of the opportunities for their professional development through reflection and performance-based research. This opens up space for their education in future perspective. Keywords: professional development, experiential learning, reflection, performance-based research, healthcare professional. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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