Ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų socialinė adaptacija ir taikomi pagalbos būdai Klaipėdos miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų socialinė adaptacija ir taikomi pagalbos būdai Klaipėdos miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose
Alternative Title:
Social adaptation of immigrant children and its support in early years educational institutions in Klaipeda
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTImigrantai, atvykstantys iš kitų šalių ir ketinantys apsigyventi Lietuvoje, dažnai atvyksta su savo šeimomis, kuriose yra ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų. Didėjant imigrantų vaikų skaičiui, Lietuvos švietimo sistema turi pasirūpinti kokybišku imigrantų vaikų ugdymu ir sudaryti palankias sąlygas atvykusiųjų vaikų socialinei adaptacijai. Imigrantų vaikų ugdymas reikalauja papildomo valstybės dėmesio, daugiau paramos ir pagalbos, pasiruošimo, ugdymo įstaigos bendruomenės susivienijimo, t. y. daugiau pastangų nei įprasta. Straipsnyje aktualiais tampa šie probleminiai aspektai, t. y. kaip padėti ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantams vaikams sėkmingai adaptuotis ugdymo įstaigose?; kokie pagalbos organizavimo būdai, užkertant kelią galimiems sunkumams, taikomi ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose? Tyrimo rezultatai, apklausus pedagogus, dirbančius su imigrantais vaikais, bei imigrantus tėvus, kurių vaikai lanko ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigas Klaipėdoje, paaiškėjo, kad sėkmingai ikimokyklinio amžiaus imigrantų vaikų socialinei adaptacijai ugdymo įstaigoje svarbus tėvų ir pedagogų bei įstaigos bendruomenės glaudus bendradarbiavimas, siekiant bendrų tikslų, reikiamos pedagogų kompetencijos, daugiakalbiškumo bei multikultūriškumo vertybinės patirtys. Raktažodžiai: imigrantai, ikimokyklinis ugdymas, socialinė adaptacija, pagalba. [Iš leidinio]

ENResearch problem. How to help preschool immigrant children to successfully adapt in educational institutions? What methods of organizing assistance, preventing possible difficulties, are applied in preschool institutions? Research object – social adaptation of pre-school immigrant children. Research aim – analyse and justify the social adaptation of children of preschool immigrants and the methods of assistance used. The main results of the study: Summarizing the results of the first qualitative study, it can be concluded that immigrant children experience stress in the beginning in a new environment. This is influenced by the language barrier, new peers, teachers, new spaces and activities. It is very important that parents, teachers and the educational institution cooperate. The study revealed that one of the main factors facilitating the adaptation of immigrant children is that the teacher knows the child's native language, so that the child understands the teacher and the teacher understands the child. The main factor of adaptation is a close and harmonious relationship in the family, family help and support during adaptation. Summarizing the results of the second qualitative study, it can be stated that the informants who participated in the study said that they are happy with Klaipėda preschools and the professional services they provide, as well as the individual attention to each child and his family. The research participants confirmed that constant efforts were made to help children get used to the new environment more easily, to overcome existing difficulties. It is important that the educational institution also provides speech therapist and psychologist support for immigrant children. Research methods: analysis of documents on scientific literature and statistical accounting, two semi-structured interviews, qualitative analysis of the content (content).Conclusions. The analysis of the authors of the scientific literature and the results of the qualitative research show that the successful social adaptation of children of preschool immigrants in the educational institution is influenced by the close cooperation of parents and educators and the administration of the institution in achieving the common goals of the child's education, competent work of educators and the educational community that responds to the child's feelings and needs. Keywords: immigrants, pre-shool education, social adaptation, assistance. [From the publication]

2538-7928; 2538-7960
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