Darnus vystymasis laisvalaikio renginiuose. "Granatos live" atvejo analizė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darnus vystymasis laisvalaikio renginiuose. "Granatos live" atvejo analizė
Alternative Title:
Sustainable development in leisure events. Case study of "Granatos live"
In the Journal:
Laisvalaikio tyrimai [Leisure time research]. 2024, Nr. 1 (23), p. 36-43
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama identifikuoti optimalų pasaulio eksporto paskirstymą tarp 11 šalių, šalių grupių: ES 28, Rusijos, Kanados, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, Meksikos, Brazilijos, Kinijos (išskyrus Honkongą), Japonijos, Pietų Korėjos, Indijos, Singapūro trims atvejams, kai pageidaujamas bendras pasaulio eksportas yra: 1) minimalus; 2) vidutinis; 3) maksimalus. Atlikus tyrimą, išsiaiškinta, kad trys dominuojančios šalys visais atvejais pasaulio eksporto apimties atžvilgiu sutampa: ES 28, Kinija ir JAV, o mažiausios eksporto apimtys tenka Indijai ir Brazilijai. Raktiniai žodžiai: darnaus vystymosi principai, laisvalaikio renginiai. [Iš leidinio]

ENRelevance of the research. After assessing the fact that the collected information about the currently declared aspirations of the music festival “Granatos Live” to implement the principles of sustainable development during the festival shows, that the aspirations of sustainable development are not declared either on the official website of the festival or among the organisers themselves, it was decided to conduct a quantitative study, applying the survey method and interviewing the visitors of this festival. This helps to gather information on how the participants themselves perceive the implementation of sustainable development principles during the festival. It is determined that the festival visitors want the implementation of the principles of sustainable development, a more sustainable festival, recommendations, and proposals can be made to the organisers to prepare a plan for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and consider it when organising festivals in the future. The object of the research is the need for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development from the point of view of the participants of the “Granatos Live” festival. The aim of the research is to determine how the participants of the “Granatos Live” festival evaluate the implementation of the principles of sustainable development during the festival, and what the needs of the participants are related to the principles of sustainable development.The tasks of the research: 1. To investigate how the participants of the “Granatos Live” festival perceive the essence and principles of sustainable development. 2. To determine the main expectations of the participants, related to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development during the music festival “Granatos Live” 3. Submit recommendations and suggestions to the organizers of the music festival “Granatos Live”. Outcomes and conclusions. After examining the expression of festival sustainability indicators at the “Granatos Live” festival, sustainability deficiencies were identified in the following areas of the festival: education of the participants and the festival organization team on the topic of sustainable development; the selection of traders does not focus on fair trade, local regional or organic goods; there are too few actions of the festival organisers to ensure environmental protection because environmental specialists are not consulted; it is not observed what economic benefits the festival creates for the local region, although such calculations are more beneficial for the local region, it shows that there is lack of communication between them; a small cost to keep the festival going. Therefore, it is necessary for the festival organisers to take the actions that the festival participants want from them and to introduce more sustainable development principles during the festival. Keywords: principles of sustainable development, leisure events. [From the publication]

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