Mokinių fizinio aktyvumo didinimo pedagoginės strategijos sveikatos požiūriu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokinių fizinio aktyvumo didinimo pedagoginės strategijos sveikatos požiūriu
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrimo pagrindimas ir hipotezė. Spartūs technologiniai procesai, aukšti intelektinio išsilavinimo reikalavimai lemia mokinių intensyvią protinę veiklą ir fiziškai pasyvų gyvenimo būdą, kuris neigiamai veikia sveikatą. Siekiant išsiaiškinti mokytojų nuomonę apie vaikų FA didinimo galimybes keltas probleminis klausimas: kokios FA optimizavimo pedagoginės strategijos yra veiksmingos ugdant nesportuojančius mokinius ir kas skatina mokinius įsitraukti į sportinę veiklą? Tikslas – ištirti kūno kultūros mokytojų naudojamus sveikatą stiprinančio fizinio aktyvumo didinimo būdus pagrindinėje mokykloje. Metodai. Naudoti metodai: mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, apklausa raštu, turinio (content) analizė, statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 136 kūno kultūros mokytojai, dirbantys penkių Lietuvos miestų ir bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose. Rezultatai. Mokytojų įžvalgos nesportuojančių vaikų fizinio aktyvumo optimizavimo klausimu: skatinti mokinius lankyti sporto būrelius (labai svarbu-47,8%, svarbu-52,2%), sporto treniruotes (atitinkamai 40,9% ir 54,5%), ugdyti gebėjimą savarankiškai mankštintis (atitinkamai 43,3% ir 56,7%). Paaiškėjo mokytojų nuomonė, jog berniukų ir mergaičių sportavimo motyvai nėra adekvatūs, todėl ugdant FA negalima taikyti jiems identiškas pedagogines strategijas. Jaunesni mokytojai labiau norėtų, kad būtų vykdomos atskiros kūno kultūros pamokos specialiosios grupės mokiniams (χ²=7,019, df=6, p=0,030), o fizinio pasyvumo problemą padėtų spręsti dažniau organizuojamos įvairios FA akcijos mokykloje (χ²=9,291, df=24, p=0,026).Vyresni mokytojai daugiau galimybių mato padidinti vaikų FA dažniau organizuojant mokyklines varžybas ir kitus sporto renginius (χ²=6,580, df=2, p=0,037), gerinant mokytojų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimą (χ²=6,127, df=18, p=0,047), bei organizuojant mokykloje olimpines dienas (χ²=7,832, df=8, p=0,020). Aptarimas ir išvados. Išanalizavus mokytojų nuomonę, paaiškėjo, kad mokiniai kūno kultūros pamokose turėtų giliau ir išsamiau pažinti FA. Tuo tikslu būtina suteikti mokiniams žinių apie FA įtaką sveikatai, darbo ir poilsio režimą, naudojimąsi internetu, skatinti grūdintis, organizuoti specialiosios grupės mokiniams atskiras kūno kultūros pamokas (pagal susirgimus), mokyti kritiškai analizuoti, suprasti ir įsisąmoninti FA reikšmę, reflektuoti savo patirtį, kad žinios nebūtų deklaratyvios. Raktažodžiai: fizinis aktyvumas, sveikata, pedagoginės strategijos. [Iš leidinio]

ENResearch background and hypothesis. The pace of technological progress and high requirements for intellectual education resulted in a controversial situation: they predetermined schoolchildren‘s intense intellectual activity and a sedentary lifestyle which adversely affected their health and working capacity. The health of school leaving children and the related physical activity is a kind of reflection of the realities of social life and education which proves the competences acquired by them: the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes which largely depend on the teacherapplied education strategies. The aim of the research is to explore the application of health promoting PA education strategies applied by teachers of physical education in basic school. Research methods. The following research methods were applied: analysis of research literature and documents, written survey, content analysis and statistical analysis of the data. The survey included 136 teachers of physical education working in comprehensive schools of five Lithuanian cities and districts selected by the convenience sampling method. To process the research data, the analysis software SPSS (version 15.0) and MS Excel spreadsheet 2003 were applied. Research outcomes. As established by the research, in the opinion of the teachers of physical education, it was necessary to provide scholchildren with the knowledge of the impact of PA on health which was recognized by the majority of the teachers as a significant component of the PA actualization (very important: 72,1℅, important: 26,5℅); all the respondents rated the item on average by 4,69±0,55 points.The research also established that the teachers approved of the problem raised in research literature of the uncontrolled media (computers, TV, Internet, etc.). 33,8% of the teachers thought that it was very important, and 60,3%, that it was important, to educate schoolchildren on the issue of the media impact on health and to regulate the time spent in front of the screen. Moreover, the teachers indicated other equally effective ways of the PA promotion: 49,3% of the respondents considered it to be very important, and 50,7% , important, to develop schoolchildren‘s motivation to exercise during the lessons of physical education (the score: 4,49±0,50 points), to form schoolchildren‘s abilities of independent exercising at their leisure time (the score: 4,43±0,49 points), and to increase the attractiveness of the lessons of physical education by seeking for the schoolchildren to feel the pleasure of movement (the score: 4,4±0,52 points). Children were frequently attracted to sports by interesting lessons of physical education, the personality of the teacher, and their dedication to their work. The teachers believed it to be very important (40,9%) or important (54,5%) to encourage scholchildren to attend sports trainings and to do sports after school (40,3% and 59,7%), as well as to teach the methodology of exercising (37,3% and 53,7%, respectively).The analysis of the teachers‘ insights into the ways of promotion of children‘s PA witnessed that the views of the younger (under 45) and the older (45 and over) teachers on some issues were different. The younger teachers approved of individual lessons of physical education for the special group schoolchildren (χ²=7,019, p=0,030). The older teachers saw more opportunities for the promotion of children‘s PA by more frequent organization of school competitions and other events at school (χ²=6,580, p=0,037), by improving teacher and parents‘ collaboration (χ²=6,127, p=0,047). Approximately only every third teacher stated that the girls did sports as they felt better and experienced pleasure. It was established that the boys and girls‘ motives of exercising were not identical, therefore, the development of their PA did not mean the application of the same methods in accordance with the same rules: the driving force of activity depended on the aspirations, interests, internal needs, and expectations of the personality. Conclusions. Technological changes and the change in the educational paradigm calls for the review of the health-promoting system of PA education at school. In the PA process, it is necessary to use innovative strategies of physical education, activating methods, and non-traditional PA forms. The content of schoolchildren‘s PA ought to be oriented towards the process of internalization of the values of physical education. The linking of the cognitive and the moralemotional aspects makes physical activity more meaningful, more attractive, and more acceptable for a child. Keywords: physical activity, health, education strategies. [From the publication]

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